SQL Monitor 12

SQL Monitor 11.0 Release Notes


When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every week that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number (e.g. v11.0.2). See below for details of improvements and fixes for each release.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed it’s best to use a minor version release, identified by a two-part version number (e.g. v11.1).
  • Major releases (e.g. v11) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA. Bug fixes are prioritised following a major release.

Breaking changes

Starting with SQL Monitor v10.2, SQL Monitor Base Monitors can only be installed on Windows Server 2012 and newer. For the time being, this only affects the Base Monitor. Support for running the SQL Monitor website on versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 will be removed in SQL Monitor v12.0.

We've moved to .NET 5; Microsoft does not support versions earlier than Windows Server 2012 as deployment targets for .NET 5. This also means that SQL Monitor Base Monitors cannot be installed on unsupported desktop operating systems. Refer to Microsoft's installation guidance for specific versions.

You can monitor the same versions of Windows and SQL Server that you've always monitored. However, base monitors need to be installed on Windows Server 2012 or newer.

Version 11.0.22 - March 10, 2021


  • Session query text on server overview pages maintain line breaks


  • Z247330 and Z247103 Fixed Backups page loading blank.

Version 11.0.21 - March 9, 2021


  • Added PowerShell API support for Azure SQL Managed Instances, including alert settings configuration.
  • Additional SQL Server configuration options are displayed on the server overview. Configuration
    can be compared across different instances.


  • Added spinners on the tempDB section that are displayed when the data is being loaded.
  • SRP-13629 changed the settings on database file usage alert to consider autogrowth and maximum file size. Alerts that have been set to be disabled when autogrowth is enabled will now start alerting if the database has a maximum file size set.


  • Fix escaping error in SqlDatabaseFileSampler and SqlDatabaseStorageSampler
  • SRP-13610 The active directory API now accepts principal names in mixed case
  • SRP-13625 Fix regression of ignoring clock display settings in the Alerts Group Details page.
  • Z246544 Fix regression of not showing query text for blocking processes.
  • Resolves an issue with unreachable alerts being erroneously raised immediately after the base service is restarted.
  • Z244488 Improves reliability sampling SQL Server process utilization after a failover.
  • Version 11.0.19 contained a fix for a security vulnerability that affected access control for non-administrator users when Active Directory authentication is enabled. See https://www.red-gate.com/privacy-and-security/vulnerabilities/2021-02-24-sql-monitor for details.
  • SRP-13626 Reports will be generated when the website is not open.


Version 11.0.20 - February 24, 2021


  • SRP-13623 Added Deadlock report tile


  • Fix escaping error in SqlDatabaseFileSampler and SqlDatabaseStorageSampler
  • SRP-13609 The AD API now automatically grants access to all entities for newly added administrators
  • Fixed a sampling error for Azure SQL Managed Instance CPU and Disk metrics that caused gaps in the sampled data.

Version 11.0.19 - February 22, 2021


  • Added CPU and disk metrics for Azure SQL Managed Instances in the global dashboard and server overview page graphs.
  • Enabled processor utilisation and low disk alerts for Azure SQL Managed Instances.
  • Add Azure SQL Managed Instance metrics to the analysis page.


  • Improve error messages on the notification settings page
  • SRP-13547 Stop querying non-readable secondary Availability Group replicas
  • Improved diagnostic logging. All failing RPC calls from the website to the base monitors are now logged by the base-monitor, and include extended error data.


  • SRP-13596 Interval CPU % shows an average of the cpu usage instead of the last available value.
  • SRP-13579 The interval for the zoom window on the server overview page stopped growing after a refresh
  • SRP-13569 Alert inbox counts not updating problem potentially fixed
  • ZD-246059 Unreachable alerts are no longer incorrectly raised when monitoring is suspended.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Azure Managed Instance overview page to fail to display data in a multi base monitor setup
  • Fixed an issue with AG where a casing mismatch prevents data collection
  • SRP-13598 AG Overview page shows correct databases when there is a casing mismatch
  • SRP-13617 Display aliases for instances on grouped alerts related to a secondary base monitor
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the server overview page to fail to display data in a multi base monitor setup
  • ZD-245505, ZD-246176 Fix escaping error in StoredProcedureParentSampler
  • Fixed a security vulnerability that affected access control for non-administrator users when Active Directory authentication is enabled. See https://www.red-gate.com/privacy-and-security/vulnerabilities/2021-02-24-sql-monitor for details.

Version 11.0.18 - February 12, 2021


  • SRP-13584 Stored procedure parent sampling enabled on Azure Sql Server

Version 11.0.17 - February 11, 2021

Major changes

SQL Code Analysis integration for top queries:

  • See all issues affecting a query in once place,
  • Raises issues relating to best practices, performance, and deprecations,
  • Provides guidance on the effect of each issue, and what you can do it resolve it.

Version 11.0.16 - February 4, 2021


  • Alerting now works on Azure Managed SQL Instances.
  • Azure Managed SQL Instances can now be organized in groups
  • You can now define Alert suppression windows for Azure Managed SQL Instances
  • You can now manage the permissions for accessing your monitored Azure Managed SQL Instances

Note: Azure Managed SQL Instance support is still in preview and machine level metrics like CPU usage and memory are not monitored yet


  • SRP-13571 Display aliases for instances on any base monitor on alerts inbox and summary reports
  • SRP-13591 Custom metrics now load correctly on the Analysis page for Amazon RDS and Azure Managed Instance servers


  • SRP-13560 Redesign list of affected instances for machine alerts

Version 11.0.15 - January 27, 2021


  • SRP-13167 Long running query alerts will now show executing stored procedure and potential caller procedures


  • Re-wrote Global Dashboard to improve performance and responsiveness. Additional minor fixes to the Global Dashboard are also included in these changes.


  • SRP-13577 Fixes issue preventing integrity check overdue alert being raised
  • ZD-244420 An issue that could cause the error log alert not to show the error description under certain circumstances has been fixed
  • SRP-13579 Enforces a minimum size of 15 minutes for the zoom window on the Server Overview page.
  • ZD-243668 Fixed a mismatch between 'Instances with lowest uptime' summary tile on the Reports page and its saved PDF version

Version 11.0.14 - January 21, 2021


  • SRP-13510 Group name validation for empty entries
  • Data settings: support performance features for base monitor repositories hosted on Azure


  • SRP-13026 The latest occurrence column on the logon failure report tile now appears in local time
  • SRP-13307 Ignore the 'Database is in transition' exception that is displayed as a connection error
  • ZD-225222 An error that could cause Monitor to report "Multiple custom attributes of the same type found" on startup has been fixed
  • SRP-13565 Fixed report pdf generating feature
  • SRP-13471 Fixed rounding in tempdb graphs when the graph values ~< 5MB

API changes

  • SRP-13548 Active directory authenticated users can now be configured through the API

Version 11.0.13 - January 13, 2021


  • SRP-13544 Fixed FCI node disappearing on monitored servers page, if there's only one node
  • SRP-13567 Fix broken link to server overview from suspended instances on the global dashboard
  • SRP-13565 Fixed report pdf generating feature

Version 11.0.12 - January 5, 2021


  • SRP-13540 Pointer on hover over tempdb session table indicates that rows are clickable
  • SRP-13540 The session table rows in tempdb section are not collapsed while selecting Sql text

Version 11.0.11 - December 31, 2020


  • SRP-13532 Updated SNMP/Webhooks/Slack alert messages to display descriptions for custom alert types


  • ZD-235833 The blocking process alert now reports the query start time, rather than the login time
  • SRP-13528 Added tab to alert details showing which SQL Server instances are affected by machine level alerts.


  • SRP-13553 Fixed a feature of expanding/collapsing of the entries in Top queries tab on Alert details page

Version 11.0.10 - December 21, 2020


Version 11.0.9 - December 16, 2020


  • SRP-13527 Estate disks page now shows failover cluster instances
  • SRP-13521 Estate backups page now groups dbs with different casing but same name in an AG when CI collation

Version 11.0.8 - December 10, 2020



  • SRP-13533 API cmdlet "Remove-SqlMonitorMachine" will now be able to remove standalone machines

API changes

  • SRP-13530 New-SqlMonitorGroup, Remove-SqlMonitorGroup added
  • SRP-13533 Remove-SqlMonitorMachine and Get-SqlMonitorMachine have had pipeline support added

Version 11.0.7 - December 3, 2020


  • SRP-13498 Explanatory text has been added to clarify a number of the graphs on the tempdb tab


  • SRP-13498 An issue that could cause the top of certain tempdb graphs to be incorrectly translated
  • SRP-13508 Remove issue causing base monitor service user being incorrectly used to monitor servers occasionally
  • SRP-13525 An issue that fails to save product activation data to a file during manual activation

Version 11.0.6 - November 25, 2020


  • SRP-13514 Fixed an issue causing the Session Graph not showing data points

Version 11.0.5 - November 18, 2020


  • SRP-12592 Added detail page for Cluster Shared Volumes on Estate disk usage page


  • SRP-13504 Job name and ID now available on long-running query alerts, if caused by a job


  • Fixed an issue where some API requests fail due to SQL Monitor being hosted in an IIS subdirectory
  • SRP-13491 Fixed an issue causing the SQL Instance unreachable alert to intermittently end and then immediately restart
  • Fixed appearance of new help menu that had an extra margin on a few pages

Version 11.0.4 - November 10, 2020


  • Improved job sampler query to reduce load on monitored entities


  • Fixed disk space alert details page not loading for Amazon RDS instances
  • SRP-13431 - SQL Monitor will now only check active directory credentials once on login to avoid locking out users
  • Fixed an issue where the web installer crashed on the performance settings page


Base Monitors can now be given a display name. Display names will show throughout SQL Monitor in place of the Base Monitor's network name.

  • SRP-13502 Add a group name to the alert notification emails by default

Version 11.0.3 - November 5, 2020


  • SRP-13376 Option to exclude SQL Agent job failed/cancelled alert on secondary AG nodes
  • SRP-13489 Option to log alerts to the Windows event log on the base monitor
  • SRP-13422 Option to add a group name to the alert notification email


  • SRP-13479 tempdb performance graphs now link to analysis page on click
  • Added database details in server overview page for Amazon RDS
  • Added test functionality to the Add Amazon RDS SQL Server page


  • SRP-13494 Fix error adding Windows clusters that include the domain as part of their name
  • SRP-13127 Standard User authorization issue on Estate > SQL Server Licensing Page
  • SRP-13493 Fix error when testing the base monitor inaccessible email when an SMTP password is set

Version 11.0.2 - October 27, 2020


  • Fixed JavaScript error when opening server overview for RDS instances without Enhanced Monitoring
  • Disable tempdb object sampler by default and remove from server overview page as it causes deadlocks
  • Fixed loss of some base monitor configuration on upgrade
  • SRP-13421 - Stop removing log files during uninstall, which sometimes caused the update to fail when SQL Monitor was running in IIS. The issue may be fixed not immediately but only after the next update.
  • SRP-13481 - Fixes email alert notifications failing issue


  • The option to add group name to the subject of email alert notification has been removed temporarily

Version 11.0.1 - October 21, 2020


  • SRP-13422 Add group name to the subject of email alert notification


  • SRP-13463 Added tempdb metrics to analysis page


  • SRP-13474: Fixed an issue that could cause upgrades to SQL Monitor 11 to fail.
  • SRP-13477: Fixed an issue that could cause internal SQL Monitor errors on TempDBObjects.
  • ZD-170676: Fixed TypeInitializerException when parsing amazon-rds-instance-classes.csv resource file caused by locale issue.

Version 11.0.0 - October 19, 2020

Major changes

  • Amazon RDS support is now out of preview and is fully supported
  • tempdb monitoring with dedicated metrics and graphs is now out of preview
  • Support for compressing the SQL Monitor data repository
  • Unattended installation and upgrade


  • SRP-13435 Added highlighting session series when hovering over row in session table
  • SRP-13465 Added Files section to tempdb on server overview


  • Changes to Active Directory configuration are immediately applied to all logged in users
  • Add support for SQL Server performance settings (delayed durability, query optimizer hot fixes, batch mode for row store)


  • SRP-13433 Fix issue with blocking processes being raised on all databases on an Azure Managed Instance
  • SRP-13454: No longer populate the base monitor configuration when a website-only install is detected
  • Correctly scale units for sparklines on the server overview
  • SRP-13447 The SQL recompilations / sec graph, which is displayed on certain types of alert, has been fixed
  • Resolves an issue where the backups estate page may fail to load
  • SRP-13443 NaN value issue in the tooltip for the tempdb graphs fixed
  • SRP-13462 Rescaling on tempdb tables graph fixed


  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported

Do you have any feedback on this documentation?

Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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