SQL Monitor 13

SQL Monitor 7.1 release notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every two weeks that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number, such as v7.0.8. So if you’ve identified a particular feature from the release notes that you need, you can download the relevant build.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed, it’s best to use a quarterly minor version release, identified by a two-part version number such as v7.1.
  • Annual major releases (such as v7.0) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA

Version 7.1.19 - March 1st, 2018


  • Fixed an issue where some charts show the date and time incorrectly

Version 7.1.18 - February 27th, 2018


  • Grouping within the alert inbox has progressed from preview to full release
  • Data file usage alert can now be configured to be disabled when autogrowth is enabled

Known issues

If you have multiple base monitors, the previous and next buttons on the alert details page do not work when coming from an ungrouped view


  • SRP-11435 - Fix WMI query issue when cluster resources include backslashes
  • SRP-11450 - Fix an issue around resuming monitoring following WMI authorization failure
  • SRP-11521 - Adjust hover-over times on the top server overview graph for daylight saving time
  • SRP-11538 - Categorize WMI authorization errors properly when they occur as part of SQL Server sampling
  • SRP-11543 - Prevent arithmetic overflow in database file time remaining alerter
  • SRP-11568 - Maintain a file offset for extended event sampling
  • SRP-11572 - Restore display of percentage values for log file usage
  • SRP-11583 - Allow ampersand symbol to be in report names
  • SRP-11587 - Prevent default values overriding report schedule settings
  • SRP-11589 - Clarify description of some VMWare CPU metrics
  • SRP-11537 - Exclude long-running queries with zero query handle from SSIS
  • SRP-11497 - Identify SQL Server Agent and other SQL Server processes running within clusters by instance

Version 7.1.17 - February 8th, 2018


  • Grouped Alert Inbox enhancements
    • Filter and page settings are preserved when navigating
    • Alerts can be filtered between dates
    • SQL Error Log alerts are now grouped by error text


  • Fix issue with no email sent out for blocking process alert when head blocker is sleeping
  • Fixed issue with availability group metrics failing to show No Data message on analysis graph
  • Next/Previous in the alerts page was getting a routing failure
  • Data File Usage alerts are disabled for log files by default

Version 7.1.16 - January 24th, 2018


  • Updated to .NET 4.6.1
  • Added the ability to view the blocking process diagram in a modal window
  • Enabled the Grouped alert inbox to handle input from multiple base monitors
  • Added the ability to ungroup the grouped inbox
  • Added the ability to select all across all pages on the grouped inbox
  • Added the ability to save custom filters on the grouped inbox
  • Added the ability to page through the alerts on a group details page
  • Made the grouped inbox keep the filter state when the user navigates away
  • Made the grouped inbox use the date format configured by the user
  • Made the server tree on the grouped inbox automatically refresh
  • Added flash messages on actions in the grouped inbox


  • Fix issue with blocking tree constructor
  • Add more logging around licensing

Version 7.1.15 - December 19th, 2017


  • Fix an issue with rendering the Grouped alert inbox on IE11
  • Fix an issue that caused the "Edit properties" dialog to not function when editing monitored entities
  • Fix an issue where the tooltips for certain metrics may not match the highlighted point
  • Fix an issue causing the top of deadlock graphs to not be visible

Version 7.1.14 - December 12th, 2017


  • Added the ability to filter by Alert Type in the grouped inbox
  • Added Total Data File Used to the Analysis screen
  • Improvements to the Database File Usage alerts details screen


  • Fix an issue where the current data size was being double counted on the suggested growth message for Database File Usage alerts
  • Make the Reports tab work when there are no reports in system
  • NRE in VMWare code

Version 7.1.13 - December 4th, 2017


  • Changed the Slack notification mechanism so that a notification is sent only if the associated alert is configured for sending via email
  • Added a new Database File Usage alert that will trigger based on remaining time until your database file fills (or by Percent Full/GB Remaining)
  • Added more information about space used and time remaining until full within the Database Files section of the Server Overview
  • The Server Tree on the Grouped Alert Inbox now has unread message counts
  • The Grouped Alert Inbox now automatically refreshes
  • Added Import Tool to import multiple SQL Servers at once using text file with tab-separated values


  • SRP-11470 Filter actions are restricted to the alerts on the current page, even when all alerts are selected
  • Improved blocking process tree compatibility with IE 11
  • Fixed an issue monitoring servers with the "Failover Clustering" feature installed but not part of a cluster

Version 7.1.12 - November 15th, 2017

This version fixes an issue that prevented a small proportion of customers from migrating their existing SQL Monitor repository data from earlier versions to 7.1.11.  Customers who have successfully installed 7.1.11 do not need to upgrade to this version.

Please note that, as with the upgrade to 7.1.11, the migration of your existing repository to the new schema may take several minutes to complete.

Version 7.1.11 - November 13th, 2017


  • Blocked Processes: view blocked processes and their details on the server overview page

  • Query History: see a query’s performance over time

    • View execution count, duration, reads, and writes over the recorded lifetime of a query

    • See the points in time a query’s plan changed

  • Check new servers before adding them. The “test” button will run a number of checks before adding a server.

  • New analysis graph entries for space used within data files and allocated space for data and log files


  • SRP-11455 fixed an issue with some informational messages being undismissable

Version 7.1.10 - November 2nd, 2017


  • SRP-11445 Fix bug in VMWare communicator

Version 7.1.9 - October 31st, 2017


  • SRP-11408 Issues reconnecting to VMWare
  • SRP-11431 Extended events deadlocks sometimes missing
  • Extended events configuration accessed using wrong SQL Server identity
  • SRP-11415 Grouped Alert Inbox doesn't clear all alerts
  • Purge settings configuration reverting to default for SQL text

Version 7.1.8 - October 17th, 2017


  • SRP-11307 Highcharts error #15 causes causes disk operations baseline to fail to display
  • SRP-11403 Fixed an issue where SQL Monitor may raise a long running query alert for internal SQL Server processes
  • SRP-11352 Prevent SQL Monitor from attempting to access TRACE data in cases where it doesn't have access to do so

Version 7.1.7 - October 11th, 2017


  • Fix an issue which caused licensing and unlicensing severs via the configuration page to fail

Version 7.1.6 - October 4th, 2017


  • Blocking processes table and graphs added to server overview page
  • Preview of Grouped alert inbox
  • Failed job steps are listed in failed job alerts


  • SRP-11369 Fix some layout bugs in XE deadlocks graph
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the XE deadlocks graph to not display in Internet Explorer

Version 7.1.5 - September 11th, 2017



  • SRP-11350 Alert inbox paging incorrect (Partially fixed)
  • SRP-11303 Top 10 Queries sometimes misses the first char of the query
  • SRP-11344 Cannot set BaseMonitor in 7.1.4 installer on a separate web/base install
  • SRP-11345 Top 10 Queries table in the Alert details doesn't let you drill into queries (edited)
  • Fixed and issue where the server overview may show small gaps in the wait line
  • Increased the character limit for server aliases UserVoice

Version 7.1.4 - August 29th, 2017


  • Added query performance suggestions to the top 10 queries view.
  • Added name of blocked database to top of Blocking process alert details
  • Added the database name to the Longest running queries report


  • SRP-11334 Fix issue with extension-less urls needing a trailing slash vs static resources

  • SRP-11281 SQL Monitor Emailed PDF Report is empty

  • SRP-11220 Unable to connect to standalone machine formerly in a cluster

  • SRP-11318 Clearing the bottom alert in the list of alerts make all other alerts appear cleared

  • SRP-11317 Clearing alerts that number less than total alert rows to be displayed behaves badly

  • SRP-11308 Incorrect message in the installer

  • SRP-11292 Job Duration alert is not showing baseline

  • SRP-11293 Job failing text could do with some formatting

  • SRP-11218 Reporting: Add database name to the Longest running query report

  • SRP-11291 Waits are mainly zero on the top graph

  • SRP-11064 The database is listed for blocked database/process alerts
  • SRP-10893 12-hour clock setting on Analysis page

Version 7.1.2 - August 3rd, 2017


Version 7.1.1 - July 18th, 2017

This release fixes a UI performance problem in an external library, which causes the server overview to load slowly in some circumstances.

Version 7.1.0 - July 11th, 2017

This release contains various stability and interface improvements to 7.0.14 including the following.


  • Support for collection of VMWare metrics is now out of beta.


  • Fixed an issue where dialog boxes may fail to close in Internet Explorer and Edge.
  • Fixed an issue where the query plan download link might not appear
  • Fixed an issue where some graphs may fail to display in Internet Explorer

Do you have any feedback on this documentation?

Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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