SQL Monitor 13

Help for older versions available.

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These pages cover SQL Monitor 13, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

User or group doesn't exist

This error is shown after you've configured SQL Monitor to authenticate with Active Directory and you're adding a user or group that SQL Monitor can't find. Make sure you specify a user or group that exists.

Are you adding the built-in Active Directory administrator account?

If you want to use the built-in Active Directory account with SQL Monitor, edit the administrator account properties to include the username in user principal name (UPN) format. UPN usernames are "internet-style" usernames (eg Username@Example.com).

  1. On the domain controller machine, go to Start > Run.
  2. In the Open box, type dsa.msc and click OK.
    Active Directory Users and Computers opens.

  3. Find the built-in administrator account. This has the name Administrator and the description Built-in account for administering the computer/domain.
  4. Right-click the account and select Properties.
    The Administrator Properties dialog box opens.
  5. In the Account tab, under User logon name, specify the username before the @ separator. 
    For example, if you want to log in using Administrator@Example.com, specify Administrator. 
  6. From the drop-down box, select the fully-qualified domain name. 
    For example, if you want to log in using Administrator@Example.com, choose Example.com.
  7. Click OK.

SQL Monitor now recognizes the built-in Active Directory administrator account when you add it.

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Let us know at sqlmonitorfeedback@red-gate.com

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