SQL Monitor 3.3 release notes
Published 27 February 2013
March 25th, 2013
New features
Version 3.3 includes the following new features and enhancements:
- Ability to display multiple metrics in the same Analysis graph to identify correlations and unusual patterns of behavior more easily.
- Improved subject lines and message bodies of alert emails to help you quickly understand problems before logging in to SQL Monitor.
- Updated default purge settings that keep your monitored data for longer.
- A further 18 custom metrics added to the SQL Monitor Metrics website since SQL Monitor v3.2 was released.
- SRP-2570 Email settings page shouldn't validate email addresses if Send emails is unchecked.
- SRP-7617 Top 10 queries show selected 'Avg' but shows data for 'Total'.
- SRP-8698 ERRORLOG directory connection fails when IP address is used.
- SRP-1188 Mean/max/min is not meaningful for the disk used metric with multiple drives.
- SRP-3899 More information is needed in alert emails for Blocked Process and Long running query.
- SRP-8629 When active custom metric alerts are purged, they're deleted but can't be raised again.
- SRP-8811 Ability to open an alert in new tab should be more discoverable.