SQL Multi Script 1

Working with results

When you execute or parse scripts, SQL Multi Script displays the results in the Results pane:

To display more results on the screen, click to float the Results pane, then resize it.

Displaying messages

SQL Multi Script creates a single Messages tab for each script that it parses or executes, containing information such as error messages, warnings and textual output from the scripts.

Displaying results

SQL Multi Script creates a Results tab for each result set that a script returns. In the example above, the script contained two Select statements, so there are two Results tabs (Results 1 and Results 2).

Displaying feedback on script execution and parsing

When you execute or parse a set of scripts, they are added to the top of the Scripts Executed list and labelled with a timestamp that indicates the time that SQL Multi Script started executing or parsing.

  • To see the results for a particular script, select the script in the Scripts Executed list.
  • To see the results for the selected script on particular databases, use the check boxes in the Executed Against list to select the databases you are interested in and to hide the results for other databases.

Icons in the Scripts Executed and Executed Against lists indicate script execution or parsing status:

 Execution or parsing was successful.

There was an error executing part of a script or there was a parse error in the script.

In the Scripts Executed list, these icons give you summary information about execution of scripts against multiple databases. If there are any errors in the set of scripts or for a particular script against a set of databases, the  icon is displayed, regardless of whether some scripts were cancelled or were executed successfully. If there are cancellations but no errors, the  icon is shown. In the Executed Against list, these icons tell you about execution against particular databases.

For example, in the screenshot above:

  • the  icon next to 3 scripts executed at 11:18 indicates there was an error with execution of at least one script against at least one database. There was an error with script2.sql, script1.sql executed successfully, and script3.sql was cancelled.
  • the  icon next to script2.sql in the first set of scripts indicates that execution was cancelled against at least one database. As you can see from the Executed Against pane, the script executed successfully against RECORDS.master.
  • the  icon next to TEST.master indicates that execution against this database was cancelled. Execution against RECORDS.master was successful.

Saving results

You can save results and messages in either CSV or TXT format.

  • To save results or messages in CSV format, display the result set or messages, select Grid from the Display list, then click Save.
  • To save results or messages in TXT format, display the result set or messages, select Text from the Display list, then click Save.

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