SQL Source Control 5

SQL Source Control 3.1 release notes



  • Drastically reduced the number of connections made to the SQL Server instance hosting a linked database. This also reduces the number of queries against those databases
  • Improved performance of the tab refresh operations

Bug fixes

SOC-3820 &

Error parsing objects using the CONTAINS TABLE syntax
SOC-4253Error paring objects using OFFSET syntax
SOC-4615Errors using Named Pipes to communicate with SQL Servers
SOC-4662Misbehavior of the deselect all button on the Commit and Get Latest tabs
SOC-4576“Index out of range” exception when different team members are using differing versions of the product
N/ASpurious Object Explorer blue blobs when first starting the product

Known issues and workarounds

  • Vault 6.1 (Standard and Professional) is not yet supported. Versions 6.0.1 and earlier are fully supported
  • If you retrieve a set of Comparison Options that should cause new changes to appear on the Get Latest tab (eg because your teammate had made whitespace changes to the objects which are no longer being ignored), you’ll instead see changes pending for commit. Workaround: undo your apparent local changes. You’ll now have a local copy of the repository versions of the objects as if you had retrieved them on the Get Latest tab.


Bug fixes


Crash when removing polling manager


Crash when object is defined in multiple files on disk

 Minor bug fixes

Known issues and workarounds

  • Can't link databases to Vault 6.1 servers
  • If you retrieve a set of Comparison Options causing new changes to get (eg because a teammate made whitespace changes to objects no longer ignored), you'll instead see changes pending for commit. Workaround: undo your apparent local changes. You will now have a local copy of the repository versions of the objects, as if you had retrieved them on the Get Latest tab.



  • Blue blob polling performance improvements: We have improved the performance of the SQL query which SQL Source Control uses to poll databases for changes. The information it gathers is used to display blue blobs on nodes in the Object Explorer tree and to provide user information when using the shared development model. Some users were experiencing issues with this query causing high server load, and in some cases timing out.
  • Commit and Get Latest Comparison Options: The way in which SQL Source Control compares databases can be configured in the same way that it can be in SQL Compare. These options are configured by an XML file. It is now possible to commit and retrieve this file in order to share one set of options throughout your team.
  • Memory usage improvements: SQL Source Control should now use less memory in a lot of cases, reducing the risk of Out Of Memory exceptions.

Bug fixes


A change between Vault 6.0.0 and Vault 6.0.1 caused our Vault support to stop working


Diff pane is always initially minimised despite previously being resized


Crash when unlinking from a TFS repo that has been deleted on the server


Blue blobs do not appear in the Object Explorer for the first object created in a database

 Minor bug fixes

Known issues

If you retrieve a set of Comparison Options that should cause new changes to appear for retrieve (e.g. because your team-mate had made whitespace changes to the objects which are no longer being ignored) you will instead see changes pending for commit. Workaround: undo your apparent local changes. You will now have a local copy of the repository versions of the objects, as if you had retrieved them on the Get Latest tab.



Vault 6 support

Bug fixes

SOC-2902, fixes a crash when attempting to unlink from a TFS server which can’t be contacted


Allow failure when trying to determine the list of databases to be polled, rather than throwing an exception.


Fix a bug with message:

Cannot access a disposed object

Object name: 'PersistentTempDbSqlConnection'


Fix SOC-4578, database polling db connection credentials failure.


Fix build magic so that SatelliteDLL is stamped with the right build number, and thus the installer works in upgrade mode


Fix performance problem caused by capturing the backtrace every time an object is disposed



  • Shared model improvements: When using the Shared Model, SQL Source Control shows the user who last changed an object on the commit tab. This information comes from various logs that SQL Server maintains, including the “default trace”. The query that SQL Source Control uses to read this information from SQL Server has been vastly improved. Briefly, it now:
    • Provides user information when objects are dropped, which it was unable to do before
    • Is less expensive to run, thus causing less load on the server
    • Causes fewer entries in the default trace due to its own actions. The old query actually used to cause entries to appear in the very logs it was reading from, causing them to roll over more quickly
    • Persists relevant data. The old query used to read from the logs anew every time it was run, which meant it couldn’t provide user information when they rolled over (they are finite in size). The new query persists all the data it needs to provide usernames in a separate table, so is unaffected by the SQL Server logs rolling over.
      For more information, see Logging changes to shared databases.
  • Support for TFS2012, including tfs.visualstudio.com: Linking databases to TFS 2012 is now supported. This includes some hosted TFS2012 services, such as tfs.visualstudio.com. For more information, see Using Team Foundation Server 2012 or Visual Studio Online
  • Pick from Previous Commit Comments: You can now pick from your previously used commit comments via a drop-down on the commit tab
  • Repository location now copy-able from the Setup tab
  • Support for SQL Server 2012 OFFSET/FETCH/THROW syntax
  • Support for SQL Server 2012 Sequence and Search Property List object types

Version 3.1.0

  • Shared Model Improvements. A more reliable and less resource-intensive method for giving the username for changes in the shared model.
  • Support for TFS 2012, including TFSPreview.com. Link databases to TFS 2012 servers, including those hosted at tfspreview.com.
  • Support for Vault 6. Link databases to Vault 6 Standard and Vault 6 Pro servers.
  • Bug fixes.

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