Static data
Published 20 August 2018
Post-Deployment script to add environment specific static data
CREATE TABLE #MarketingReasons (ID int, ReasonType varchar(MAX)) INSERT INTO #MarketingReasons VALUES (1, 'Recommendation'), (2, 'Review'), (3, 'Internet') IF (@@SERVERNAME = 'DEV-DEVELOPERNAME') BEGIN INSERT INTO #MarketingReasons VALUES (4, 'Dev recommendation') END MERGE INTO dbo.MarketingReasons AS target USING #MarketingReasons AS source ON target.ID = source.ID WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET ReasonType = source.ReasonType WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT ( ID, ReasonType ) VALUES ( ID, ReasonType ) WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE; GO IF @@ERROR <> 0 SET NOEXEC ON GO
Notable points:
- Post-Deployment scripts must be re-runnable as they will be executed as part of every deployment.
- A
statement is used to copy static data into thedbo.MarketingReasons
- A
- Post-Deployment scripts are deployed to every environment.
is used to add an extra row in the development database.
- By default there is no error handling, so this script tests for an error, and sets
if an error occurs.