SQL Source Control 6

SQL Source Control 4.1 release notes

4.1.15 - February 3rd, 2016

This version rolls up the changes from frequent update versions 4.1.9 to 4.1.14.

If you want to get updates more often, turn on Frequent Updates.


  • Added support for Subversion 1.9. 
  • New 'Ignore nullability of columns' comparison option. When you turn it on, changing a column from NULL to NOT NULL (or vice versa) won't be detected as a change. This option is turned off by default.
  • New 'Use compatibility level' comparison option. When you turn it on, SQL Source Control will use the database's compatibility level to detect supported features, rather than the SQL server version. This option is turned off by default.
  • Support for connecting to TFS 2010 or later is now available without requiring Team Explorer or Visual Studio to be installed (requires Management Studio 2012 or later, .NET 4.5 framework or later).
  • Improved performance when detecting changes to stored procedures, tables and indexes, especially in schemas with many partitions.


  • SOC-7501: "Don't Show me this again" does nothing in (GIT) Push to commit to repository box.
  • SOC-7470: Database changes are now correctly detected if databases are modified while in a detached state.
  • SC-8115: Indexes should no longer be incorrectly detected as changed.
  • SOC-7344: SQL Source Control no longer has an intermittent error when refreshing the commit tab.
  • SOC-7352: SQL Source Control now gives a more informative warning when a Git pull operation fails due to a merge issue.
  • SOC-7262: SQL Source Control now gives a more informative warning doing Git operations using an unsupported URL protocol.
  • We've changed the default tab spacing in the diff viewer, from eight spaces to four, to make diffs easier to read.

4.1.14 - January 21st, 2016



  • New 'Ignore nullability of columns' comparison option. When turned on, changing a column from NULL to NOT NULL (or vice versa) won't be detected as a change. This option is turned off by default.
  • New 'Use compatibility level' comparison option. When turned on, SQL Source Control will use the database's compatibility level to detect supported features, rather than the SQL server version. This option is turned off by default.


  • SOC-7470: Database changes are now correctly detected if databases are modified while in a detached state.
  • SC-8115: Indexes should no longer be incorrectly detected as changed.

4.1.13 - January 7th, 2016



  • Support for connecting to TFS 2010 and newer is now available without requiring Team Explorer or Visual Studio to be installed (requires Management Studio 2012 or later, .NET 4.5 framework or later).
  • Improved performance when detecting changes to Tables and Indexes, especially in schemas with many partitions.

4.1.12 - December 23rd, 2015



  • Improved performance when detecting changes to indexes and stored procedures.

4.1.11 - December 16th, 2015



  •  SOC-7344: SQL Source Control no longer has an intermittent error when refreshing the commit tab.

4.1.10 - December 9th, 2015



  • SOC-7352: SQL Source Control now gives a more informative warning when a Git pull operation fails due to a merge issue.
  • SOC-7262: SQL Source Control now gives a more informative warning doing Git operations using an unsupported URL protocol.

4.1.9 - December 2nd, 2015



  • We've changed the default tab spacing in the diff viewer (from eight spaces to four) to make diffs easier to read.

4.1.8 - December 2nd, 2015  

This version rolls up the changes from frequent update versions 4.1.3 to 4.1.7.

If you want to get updates more often, turn on Frequent Updates.


  • Support for masked columns (using the dynamic data masking feature of SQL Server 2016 CTP2.3).
  • Improved the performance of committing changes with Git.
  • When using the IgnoreSystemNamedConstraintNames option, where a constraint is system-named, differences in the constraint names are ignored.
  • Feature usage reporting around SQL Source Control's performance.


  • SC-8065: SQL Source Control now ignores any partition functions and partition schemes that have been system-generated by fulltext indexing.
  • SQL Source Control sometimes needs to temporarily disable foreign key constraints when updating static data. When SQL Source Control re-enables the foreign key constraints, it will now restore them to their original trusted or untrusted state by default, rather than always using WITH NOCHECK to skip integrity checks. 
    This means that the constraints will no longer default to being untrusted, but also means that the Get Latest process will take longer while the integrity checks are carried out.

  • SC-8094: FILESTREAM columns are no longer dropped before table rebuilds. This means Get Latest no longer throws an error when transferring data to the temporary table during the table rebuild.

  • SC-8102: When the Ignore Extended Properties option is disabled, extended properties on sequences now appear in Commit and Get Latest.

  • SC-8110: SQL Source Control now supports DDL triggers defined for the CREATE_COLUMN_MASTER_KEY and DROP_COLUMN_MASTER_KEY event types. These event types are new to SQL Server 2016 CTP 2.3. This also means that SQL Source Control no longer fails when comparing DDL triggers defined for event groups containing those event types (e.g. DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTS).

  • SC-8113: An erroneous warning about stretch tables no longer appears when deploying a stretch table to a scripts folder.

  • Fixed a problem with scroll-bars when the Static Data configuration screen was resized.
  • SC-8059: User-defined DEFAULT constraint names are now deployed even when the IgnoreConstraintNames option is used.
  • SC-7822: Comparing a scripts folder containing a stored procedure with ALTER SERVICE ROLE in its body no longer causes an error.
  • SC-8062: Square brackets are now correctly ignored in table-valued function definitions containing multiple WITH option clauses when the "Ignore square brackets in object names" option is turned on.
  • No longer hangs when comparing scripts folders on single-core machines.

4.1.8 - November 25th, 2015



  • SC-8065: SQL Source Control now ignores any partition functions and partition schemes that have been system-generated by fulltext indexing.
  • SQL Source Control sometimes needs to temporarily disable foreign key constraints when updating static data. When SQL Source Control re-enables the foreign key constraints, it will now restore them to their original trusted or untrusted state by default, rather than always using WITH NOCHECK to skip integrity checks. 
    This means that the constraints will no longer default to being untrusted, but also means that the Get Latest process will take longer while the integrity checks are carried out.

  • SC-8094: FILESTREAM columns are no longer dropped before table rebuilds. This means Get Latest no longer throws an error when transferring data to the temporary table during the table rebuild.

  • SC-8102: When the Ignore Extended Properties option is disabled, extended properties on sequences now appear in Commit and Get Latest.

  • SC-8110: SQL Source Control now supports DDL triggers defined for the CREATE_COLUMN_MASTER_KEY and DROP_COLUMN_MASTER_KEY event types. These event types are new to SQL Server 2016 CTP 2.3. This also means that SQL Source Control no longer fails when comparing DDL triggers defined for event groups containing those event types (e.g. DDL_DATABASE_LEVEL_EVENTS).

  • SC-8113: An erroneous warning about stretch tables no longer appears when deploying a stretch table to a scripts folder.

4.1.7 - November 11th, 2015



  • Fixed a problem with scroll-bars when the Static Data configuration screen was resized.

4.1.6 - November 4th, 2015



  • Feature usage reporting around SQL Source Control's performance.

4.1.5 - October 28th, 2015



  • Improved the performance of committing changes with Git.
  • When using the IgnoreSystemNamedConstraintNames option, where a constraint is system-named, differences in the constraint names are ignored.

4.1.4 - October 21st, 2015



  • Support for masked columns (using the dynamic data masking feature of SQL Server 2016 CTP2.3).


  • SC-8059: User-defined DEFAULT constraint names are now deployed even when the IgnoreConstraintNames option is used

4.1.3 - October 14th, 2015



  • SC-7822: Comparing a scripts folder containing a stored procedure with ALTER SERVICE ROLE in its body no longer causes an error.
  • SC-8062: Square brackets are now correctly ignored in table-valued function definitions containing multiple WITH option clauses when the "Ignore square brackets in object names" option is turned on.
  • No longer hangs when comparing scripts folders on single-core machines.

4.1.2 - October 14th, 2015

This version rolls up the changes from frequent update versions 4.0.1 to 4.1.1.

If you want to get updates more often, turn on Frequent Updates.


  • Git support: 
    • Link to an existing Git repository on your local machine, and commit and apply changes.
    • Push to a remote Git repository, using the Commit tab.
    • Pull from a remote Git repository, using the Get Latest tab.
    • View history for a database linked to Git.
  • On the dependency selection dialog, change the default to not selecting all dependencies.
  • Your selections persist when moving backwards and forwards through the linking wizard.
  • Show the server name alongside the name of the selected database (in the header).
  • Simplified wizard for linking to an evaluation repository.
  • For databases linked with the dedicated development model, we've added a Last changed by column on the Commit changes tab.
  • Improved transaction handling when performing a 'Get Latest'.
  • Set the Transaction Isolation Level used during Get Latest via a config file. See Changing the transaction isolation level for instructions.


  • Deleting a file from a folder and renaming the folder no longer creates blank history.
  • Commit messages when using Plastic SCM can now contain more than one word.
  • You can now link to Plastic SCM workspaces that contain space characters.
  • SOC-6597: WorkspaceChangedException is no longer thrown when refreshing the Commit or Get Latest tabs, or when getting changes.
  • SOC-6786: InvalidOperationException is no longer thrown in certain circumstances when opening SQL Source Control.
  • SC-4529: Databases with more than 32678 users no longer cause an 'Arithmetic overflow error for data type smallint...' error.
  • SC-7201: VIEW CHANGE TRACKING permissions are now read correctly.
  • SC-7815: Using the SPARSE keyword in table definitions in stored procedures no longer causes parser errors.
  • SC-7919: SQL Source Control can now successfully drop filestream columns.
  • SC-7977: Identical XML schema collections with duplicate values are no longer incorrectly reported as different.
  • SC-7982: Partition values of partition functions using datetime2 and real data types are now deployed correctly.
  • SC-8005: SQL Source Control no longer needs VIEW SERVER STATE permissions to link databases on SQL Server 2008 and later to source control.
  • SC-8006: Extended properties defined in a scripts folder in a file called 'ExtendedProperties.sql' are no longer ignored.
  • SC-8008: Schema names that only differ by whitespace no longer cause SQL Source Control to drop and recreate tables.
  • SC-8036: Primary keys defined with unspecified clustering are now correctly parsed as NONCLUSTERED when another clustered index exists.
  • SC-6455/SC-7904: Trigger definitions starting with a semicolon ';' no longer cause an error.
  • SC-8038: Trigger definitions are no longer lost when deploying a table rebuild to a scripts folder.

4.1.1 - October 7th, 2015



  • Git support: Error no longer occurs when you push without having a remote repository set up.

4.1.0 - September 30th, 2015



  • Git support: pull from a remote Git repository, using the Get Latest tab.
  • Git support: push to a remote Git repository.


  • SC-4529: Databases with more than 32678 users no longer cause an 'Arithmetic overflow error for data type smallint...' error.
  • SC-7201: VIEW CHANGE TRACKING permissions are now read correctly.
  • SC-7815: Using the SPARSE keyword in table definitions in stored procedures no longer causes parser errors.
  • SC-7919: SQL Source Control can now successfully drop filestream columns.
  • SC-7977: Identical XML schema collections with duplicate values are no longer incorrectly reported as different.
  • SC-7982: Partition values of partition functions using datetime2 and real data types are now deployed correctly.
  • SC-8005: SQL Source Control no longer needs VIEW SERVER STATE permissions to link databases on SQL Server 2008 and later to source control.
  • SC-8006: Extended properties defined in a scripts folder in a file called 'ExtendedProperties.sql' are no longer ignored.
  • SC-8008: Schema names that only differ by whitespace no longer cause SQL Source Control to drop and recreate tables.
  • SC-8036: Primary keys defined with unspecified clustering are now correctly parsed as NONCLUSTERED when another clustered index exists.
  • SC-6455/SC-7904: Trigger definitions starting with a semicolon ';' no longer cause an error.
  • SC-8038: Trigger definitions are no longer lost when deploying a table rebuild to a scripts folder.

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