SQL Source Control 6

SQL Source Control 5.2 release notes

Before you update, here are a few things you should know:

The new migrations solution replaces all previous versions

Migration scripts created using previous versions of SQL Source Control won't be compatible with SQL Source Control 5. To make sure any existing migration scripts aren't lost, see Upgrading from old versions of migration scripts before you update to SQL Source Control 5.

To deploy SQL Source Control 5 migration scripts using SQL Compare, you'll need SQL Compare version 11.6 or greater.

The following version control systems are no longer supported:

The following SQL Server versions are no longer supported:

  • SQL Server 2005 (RTM, SP1, SP2, SP3 and SP4).

5.2.4 - September 12th, 2016 


We’ve been updating how licensing works in the Redgate products. You’ll now be prompted to login with a Redgate ID to activate a newly installed product, or to upgrade an existing product to a new major or minor version. This unlocks better license management, and makes it easier to use Redgate software on multiple machines. Once a product is activated with a Redgate ID, we’ll be able to show you your licenses and some basic information about usage, and provide the ability for you to deactivate unused licenses. For now the license management functionality will only be available through the license management portal on the website. Down the line, we’re planning to offer some of these capabilities from within the software itself.

5.2.3 - August 26th, 2016 



  • SOC-8162: SQL Source Control supports the use of Beyond Compare v4 as a merge tool.
  • SOC-8142: SQL Source Control no longer errors when working with databases using Turkish collations
  • SQL Source Control better handles errors when committing migration scripts.
  • SOC-7590: SQL Source Control no longer fails to generate a deployment script for new migration scripts.
  • SC-8831: SQL Source Control no longer fails to parse stored procedures containing the undocumented 'LINENO' keyword
  • SC-8099: The ignore whitespace option now correctly ignores non-breaking space characters

5.2.2 - August 15th, 2016 



  • Improved error handling and logging when generating a deployment script in Get Latest.
  • SOC-7590: Linking to a folder without permission no longer causes an error.

5.2.1 - August 4th, 2016 



  • SOC-7590: Fixed an error generating a deployment script during get latest when your repository contains migration scripts.

5.2.0 - August 3rd, 2016



  • SQL Source Control no longer works with SQL Server 2000 databases.


  • Additional logging for errors during get latest when your repository contains migration scripts.
  • SOC-7874, SOC-7878: SQL Source Control will clean-up temporary tables used when registering a database.
  • SC-8854: Prevented a crash that could occur when registering a scripts folder containing a function with a complex series of aliases.
  • SC-8042: Add check to avoid putting default permission for user defined types twice in the permission list .
  • SOC-8098: An error when getting the last cached date no longer causes commit/get latest to fail.
  • SC-8722: SQL Source Control now registers permissions on sequence objects.
  • SC-8668: SQL Source Control no longer generates incorrect creation script for objects using WITH ENCRYPTION option when AS keyword not specified.
  • SC-8421: Dependencies now correctly calculated from ALTER SCHEMA statements.
  • SC-8777: Data compression differences now picked up when Ignore filegroup, partition scheme and partition function option used.
  • SC-8735: Default values for parameters of type BINARY can now be registered from live databases.

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