SQL Source Control 6

SQL Source Control 5.5 release notes

Before you update, here are a few things you should know:

The new migrations solution replaces all previous versions

Migration scripts created using previous versions of SQL Source Control won't be compatible with SQL Source Control 5. To make sure any existing migration scripts aren't lost, see Upgrading from old versions of migration scripts before you update to SQL Source Control 5.

To deploy SQL Source Control 5 migration scripts using SQL Compare, you'll need SQL Compare version 11.6 or greater.

The following version control systems are no longer supported:

The following SQL Server versions are no longer supported:

  • SQL Server 2005 (RTM, SP1, SP2, SP3 and SP4).

5.5.7 - April 27th, 2017


  • Support for SQL Server Management Studio 17

  • SC-9066: It is now possible to compare to a historical git revision (Requires SQL Compare

  • Improved integration with Git.


  • Improved error message when an invalid revision is selected in SQL Compare.
  • Fixes one issue causing "error validating the migration scripts" during commit.
  • SOC-7179: SQL Source Control no longer throws an exception when resetting a Git repository and removing untracked files.
  • SOC-8799: SQL Source Control no longer fails to load when SSMS 2016 and SSMS 17 are both installed.
  • SC-9363: Fixed a bug where SQL Source Control could fail to create a filtered index if another object had been created with SET ANSI_NULLS OFF when getting the latest from source control

Release notes for previous frequent update releases

Version 5.5.7 rolls up all of the changes from frequent update versions 5.4.2 to 5.5.6 - if you want to receive these kinds of updates more quickly in future, you should turn on Frequent Updates


5.5.6 - April 18th, 2017


5.5.5 - April 7th, 2017



  • SOC-8797: SQL Source Control no longer fails to open SQL Compare from the History window
  • SOC-4286: SQL Source Control can now recover without error if its temporary directory is deleted while SSMS is running.
  • Fixed an issue which caused some help widgets to render incorrectly.
  • SC-9357: SQL Source Control now recognises SQL Server 2016's MIN_GRANT_PERCENT and MAX_GRANT_PERCENT syntax.
  • SC-9365: SQL Source Control now recognises SQL Server 2016's OPTION (USE HINT(..)) syntax.
  • SC-9349: When a deployment adds GENERATED ALWAYS columns to a table, PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME is now set on the table too.
  • SC-9368: SQL Source Control no longer throws a format exception when logging.
  • SC-9208: SQL Source Control now uses the case sensitivity of the database when loading folder cache snapshots.
  • SDC-2448: Warning messages around referential integrity have been improved.

5.5.4 - March 27th, 2017




  • SOC-8546: SQL Source Control no longer fails when filters or migration scripts are shown on the Commit tab.
  • SOC-8547: The commit and get latest tabs no longer flicker and cause CPU spikes every 5 seconds.
  • SC-9330: SQL Source Control no longer gets syntax errors when using TRUNCATE TABLE statements with arguments given as variables.
  • SC-9271: Errors thrown by sp_addextendedproperty are now handled correctly.
  • SC-9274: SQL Source Control now handles roles which contain roles having the same name as a user.
  • SC-9197: SQL Source Control can now link to databases when you have the ALTER ANY EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE permission.
  • SOC-8281: SQL Source Control now correctly handles static data with CLR User-Defined types.
  • SOC-8521: SQL Source Control no longer throws an error when linking/unlinking databases on multiple open windows of SSMS.
  • SOC-8593: SQL Source Control now handles log messages containing curly braces.
  • SC-9349: When a deployment adds GENERATED ALWAYS columns to a table, PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME is now set on the table too
  • SOC-8034: The Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys now work correctly on the Commit window.

5.5.3 - March 21st, 2017


Withdrawn due to:

Known Issue

  • SOC-8593, SC-9368: Attempting to change SQL objects with curly braces ('{' or '}') in their names can cause SQL Source Control to crash.

5.5.2 - February 22nd, 2017



  • SOC-8372, SOC-8378: SQL Source Control no longer fails with "Error creating window handle" message

5.5.1 - February 17th, 2017



  • SOC-5105: Recently linked database in one instance of SSMS no longer appears as an unlinked database in another instance
  • SOC-6814, SOC-7086, SOC-7882, SOC-8496: SQL Source Control no longer fails with the message "headToWorkingBase didn't get set" or "liveToWorkingBase didn't get set"
  • SC-9197: Support registering databases with users that have the permission ALTER ANY EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE

5.5.0 - February 6th, 2017



  • Support for SQL Server Management Studio v17.0 RC2


  • Having SQL Source Control installed but not licensed no longer makes SSMS 2016 crash when system-versioned temporal tables are visible in Object Explorer
  • SC-9162: Fixed a parser error caused by an ambiguity that could occur when a SELECT .. from OPENQUERY statement was followed by a MERGE statement
  • SC-9171: Fixed a parser error reading BEGIN DIALOG CONVERSATION statements

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