SQL Source Control 6

SQL Source Control 6.0 release notes

Before you update, please note:

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2008 and 2008R2 are no longer supported

Please note that SQL Source Control will continue to support SQL Server 2008 and 2008R2 - you will just need to connect to the server using a newer version of SSMS (2012 or greater). See End of support for SSMS 2008 and 2008R2 for more information. - January 23rd 2018



  • SOC-9307: SQL Source Control now honours the _use database compatibility level_ option. If _use database compatibility level_ is turned on, the version number written to the RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml file will reflect the linked database's compatibility level, rather than the SQL Server version.

  • SC-9873: SQL Source Control now supports indexes on persisted columns that rely on a function
  • SC-9888: SQL Source Control now supports field modifications on history tables - January 9th 2018



  • Addresses an issue that would prevent committing when using migration scripts - January 5th 2018



  • Added an engine option (DisableAuditGeneration) that allows reading 'changed by' information from the linked database to be disabled (e.g. for when the current user doesn't have EXECUTE permission on tempdb)


  • SOC-5093, SOC-5817, SOC-7077, SOC-8329, SOC-8965, SOC-9214, SOC-9215: SQL errors when retrieving 'changed by' information from the default trace will no longer prevent you committing changes. Instead, helpful diagnostic information will be displayed.
  • SC-9628: Fixed an issue where you couldn't browse SVN or TFS repositories when using SQL Compare - December 7th 2017



  • Integration with SQL Toolbelt bulk installer


  • SOC-9242: Fixed an issue where clicking Manually edit the script during get latest would open an invalid web page
  • SC-9266: SQL Source Control can now compare and deploy functions with NATIVE_COMPILATION
  • SC-9811: SQL Source Control now handles creation of clustered indexes on a user-defined history table.
  • SC-9831: SQL Source Control now handles method calls immediately following a COALESCE statement. - November 30th 2017



  • SC-9770: SQL Source Control now accepts NATIVE_COMPILATION syntax in CREATE FUNCTION statements.
  • SC-9822: SQL Source Control now deploys column constraint text containing chained function calls correctly. - November 21st 2017 



Added a new engine option that allows SQL Source Control to read from rolled over default trace files as well as the current default trace when trying to identify who changed an object. This may reduce the incidence of changes showing as made by 'unknown' users when using a shared database, but will also have a slight performance impact on SQL Server.

To enable this option:

  1. Edit the engine options config file, %localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Source Control 6\RedGate_SQLSourceControl_Engine_EngineOptions.xml, in a text editor
  2. Find the <EngineOptions version=... line 
  3. Below that line, add 



  • SOC-9210/SOC-9211: When disabling CHANGE_TRACKING on a table SQL Source Control will now remove the associated ALTER statement from version control.
  • SC-9813: SQL Source Control now respects the IgnorePermissions option for objects created in a deployment script.
  • SC-9802: SQL Source Control doesn't attempt to duplicate constraints between a history table and temporal table when reading from a scripts folder.
  • SC-9776: SQL Source Control no longer attempts to deploy FULLTEXT indexes twice when CHANGE_TRACKING is enabled.
  • SC-9659: SQL Source Control no longer tries to refresh schema bound views when deploying a change to an XML schema collection. - October 17th, 2017 


  • SQL Source Control will no longer cause SSMS to show a "Cannot find resource" error when installed alongside SQL Prompt.

In addition to the above fixes, version 6.0.2 rolls up all of the changes from frequent update versions 5.8.0 to 6.0.1. If you want to receive these kinds of updates more quickly in future, you should turn on Frequent Updates - October 12th, 2017 



  • SC-9724: SQL Source Control now doesn't wrap $PARSER in square quotes when used within a table column.
  • SC-9742: SQL Source Control now handles rebuilds of tables which are both temporal and memory optimised.
  • SC-9700: SQL Source Control wraps the default values of DateTime and DateTime2 parameters defined in a stored procedure in single quotes.
  • SC-9720/SC-9696: SQL Source Control now handles comparison of whitespace and comments more consistently when the IgnoreWhitespace or IgnoreComments options are set.
  • SC-9653: SQL Source Control now supports the use of the non-reserved keyword MATCH, in the body of text objects. - September 28th, 2017 



New platforms

  • Support for SQL Server 2017 databases, including SQL Server on Linux
  • Support for TFS 2018

Reduced footprint

  • SQL Source Control no longer creates multiple additional processes while running
  • Installer size reduced by half

Other features

  • Setup, Migrations and Locking tabs have been updated, resolving a number of issues.
  • SQL Source Control now supports customisation on history tables for temporal tables, such as customised indexes

  • SQL Source Control now supports the HISTORY_RETENTION_PERIOD option on temporal tables

  • SQL Source Control now accepts DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION syntax.

  • Replaced the Help->Feedback menu item with a link to the new Redgate Hub


  • SC-9679: Row-level security policy block predicates are now correctly registered from on-premise live databases
  • SC-9645: CREATE OR ALTER PROC is now scripted correctly
  • SC-9548: SQL Source Control will now correctly create fulltext indexes if the IgnoreTransaction option is selected
  • SC-9685: SQL Source Control now uses DEFAULT instead of the text of your default when coercing nulls to a column's default value
  • SC-9657: SQL Source Control now filters whitespace and comments more consistently when the IgnoreComments option is set
  • SC-9668: ALTER statements aren't duplicated if 'Add object existence checks' option is set
  • SOC-7271: Fixed issues that would cause the SQL Source Control UI to disappear and show a RemotingException
  • SOC-8874: Fixed error when closing SSMS
  • SC-9532, SC-9537, SC-9538: The SQL parser now accepts syntax for new ALTER INDEX and STRING_AGG features in SQL Server 2017
  • SC-9534: During Get Latest, SQL Source Control will now create tables before schemabound functions to resolve dependencies
  • SC-9519: SQL Source Control will no longer fail to register a database if the EXECUTE ANY EXTERNAL SCRIPT permission is present on a role object.
  • SC-9520, SOC-8863: SQL Source Control will now correctly source control DISABLED indexes
  • SC-9526: The SQL parser now accepts parentheses around identifiers in a CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX statement
  • Fixes a problem in the licensing client that could cause an OutOfMemory Exception


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