SQL Source Control 6

SQL Source Control 6.2 release notes

Before you update, please note:

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2008 and 2008R2 are no longer supported

Please note that SQL Source Control will continue to support SQL Server 2008 and 2008R2 - you will just need to connect to the server using a newer version of SSMS (2012 or greater). See End of support for SSMS 2008 and 2008R2 for more information. - August 22nd, 2018


Known Issues

This version of SQL Source Control has been withdrawn because upgrading from some previous versions of SQL Source Control could cause an 'Object reference not set' error to occur when trying to commit changes. - July 31st, 2018



  • SOC-9553: Fix null reference exception in updating SQL Compare snapshot

  • SC-10171: Null reference exception in serialisation fixed

  • SC-10178: Fix parser failure when TRY_PARSE(... USING ) at the very end of a WHERE clause

  • SC-10181: Parser will now accept a language variable as the language option when creating a natively compiled stored procedure

  • SC-10185: Patching up dependencies when loading a snapshot will now correctly locate user defined table types - July 25th, 2018



  • Fixed a bug where the default collation could be empty with databases set to auto close
  • SC-10176: Parser now handles ordering by multiple columns in a STRING_AGG statement's WITHIN GROUP clause
  • Functions no longer rebuild or alter when the only change is extended properties, permissions or authorization
  • SC-10065: Improved alteration of security polices on case insensitive databases
  • SC-10177: Copying text from the diff viewer now preserves empty lines when the "Ignore whitespace" option is set
  • SDC-1262 Option to include a USE statement added, consistent with SQL Compare - July 17th, 2018



  • Clarified instructions to enable SQL Source Control to operate in multiple SSMS windows
  • The default log level has changed from Information to Warning
  • Fixed a regression that made the Comparison Options dialog stopped working.
  • SC-9272: Fixed script ordering for service broker objects referenced by schema objects
  • SC-10123: Dependencies between user defined types and user defined table types are now respected when dropping them
  • SQL Source Control migration blocks will now correctly drop and recreate dependencies when necessary.
  • SC-10069: Fixed dependencies bug between tables/views and their triggers when registering from a scripts folder
  • SC-10151: Dropping a function referenced by a security policy now drops and recreates the security policy
  • SC-9870: SQL Source Control no longer creates SET statements in the context of creating a scripts folder, when filtered indexes are included.
  • SC-10145 Parse error on AT TIME ZONE with bracketed string literal fixed.
  • SC-6601: The "Ignore authorization on schema objects" option now also includes schemas themselves
  • SC-6610: Deploying a varchar(4096) column or wider onto a varchar(MAX) no longer gives spurious warning about truncation. Deploying in the other direction gives the correct warning.
  • SC-9834: Contracts and services with out of database / default / built-in message types and contracts, and some full text catalogs, no longer cause an exception when they exist in the target
  • SC-9940: Fixed issue parsing AT TIME ZONE where the time zone is the result of a nested SELECT statement
  • SC-10089: Deploying column changes to a fulltext index in a scripts folder will no longer create duplicate ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statements
  • SC-10104: Modifying a key index of a fulltext index will now drop the fulltext index before and recreate it later
  • SC-10111: Changing the XML schema collection on a column will provide a more suitable warning
  • SC-10089: Deploying column changes to a fulltext index in a scripts folder will no longer create duplicate ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX statements
  • SC-10100: Permissions on history tables are now registered correctly
  • SC-10104: Modifying a key index of a fulltext index will now drop the fulltext index before and recreate it later
  • SC-2813: CLR triggers will now be deployed if an assembly they require is rebuilt and Include Dependencies is on, even if their parent object is not selected, which avoids the deployment failing due to target CLR triggers that are no longer valid.
  • SC-10050: Fixes crash when trying to deploy a Service that references a system-defined Contract
  • SC-10083: Adding a check constraint while rebuilding a table no longer causes an invalid deployment script
  • SC-10086: Functions that are schema bound and omit 'AS' in their definition no longer cause an invalid deployment script
  • SC-10095: Removing a column from a fulltext index on a view will now be flagged as a difference
  • SC-10099: Altering the columns in a fulltext index on a view now produces a correct deployment script
  • CLR triggers are now replaced when they need to be dropped to enable assembly rebuild.
  • UDT changes in script folders now cause objects using the UDT to be deployed as dependencies, to ensure the script folder does not become inconsistent.
  • UDTs no longer create objects that depend on the type as dependencies when you attempt to deploy just the type. - July 9th, 2018


Known Issues

  • SQL Compare Dialog does not show options 

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