SQL Source Control 6

SQL Source Control 6.3 release notes

Before you update, please note:

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2008 and 2008R2 are no longer supported

Please note that SQL Source Control will continue to support SQL Server 2008 and 2008R2 - you will just need to connect to the server using a newer version of SSMS (2012 or greater). See End of support for SSMS 2008 and 2008R2 for more information. - November 14th, 2018



  • SOC-9516: Fixed a bug when running script to manually configure object locking would cause SSMS to crash due to casing of database object names
  • SOC-9650: No longer get unexpected error messages when clicking on database without access permissions
  • SC-10283: SQL Source Control can distinguish between roles and schemas with the same name when altering permissions
  • SC-10285: ADD/DROP HIDDEN clauses in ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN statements now parse correctly
  • Static data check that datatypes can cast to each other now takes into account the base type of UDTs
  • SDC-2889: No longer create an additional folder in the scripts data when generating a deployment script - November 6th, 2018



Reverted the change that required commit messages. You can once again have empty commit messages. - November 2nd, 2018



Fixed the installation issue that caused SSMS to crash when upgrading from 6.2.4-6.3.3 to version 6.3.4. - October 29th, 2018



  • Enable the Commit button only when a commit message is provided


  • SC-10234: TRIM functions are now correctly supported
  • SC-10269: SET statements are no longer left behind unnecessarily when a CLR function has been deleted
  • SC-10253, SC-10255, SC-10272: Fixed a performance issue during refresh operations when ignoring NOT FOR REPLICATION
  • SC-10264: User defined types that are dependencies will no longer be deployed if the option to include dependencies is not set
  • SOC-9645: Fixed a conflict between some versions of SQL Prompt and SQL Source Control
  • SOC-9648: Fixed the regression introduced in 6.3.3, so the DataFileSet element is no longer removed from the RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml file.
  • SOC-9649: Fixed a regression that caused an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when refreshing changes in databases containing both table and non-table user-defined types

Known Issues

Upgrading to this version from version 6.2.4 or greater will incorrectly remove a file from the installation directory, which may cause SSMS to crash if you have static data linked. This can be fixed by using the Repair installation option in the SQL Source Control uninstaller. - October 8th, 2018


Known Issues

  • This version of SQL Source Control removes the DataFileSet element from the RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml file because it is no longer used. Unfortunately, this causes older versions of the SQL Compare Engine (including the one embedded in SQL Change Automation) to remove the static data rows on deployment.


  • Fixed an issue with Pre & Post-Deployment scripts where scripts would be duplicated between databases for certain repository structures.
 - October 8th, 2018




  • SOC-9315: When SQL Source Control fails to create a cache for a scripts folder it will no longer fail with the message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
  • SOC-9308: SQL Source Control no longer shows an error when reading a temporal table from the registration cache
  • SC-10227: SQL Source Control no longer throws an error when dropping a block predicate with a specified DML operation
  • SC-10243: Fix error with adding permissions to an object when ignoring users
  • SC-10202: Improved handling of history tables that whose definitions were not included in a scripts folder
  • SC-10239 / SC-10257: Queues and stored procedures that form a circular dependency are now deployed in the correct order
  • SC-10261: Foreign key constraints can be set as CHECK or NOCHECK in a folder even when the option to ignore constraint names is set - September 24th, 2018



  • SC-10221: A create index statement with a string literal as a filegroup name will no longer cause a parser error
  • SC-10223: SQL Source Control no longer explicitly deploys default data spaces - August 29th, 2018



Introduce Pre & Post-Deployment scripts. See http://www.red-gate.com/SOC6/pre-post-scripts for more details.


  • SC-9458: Partition functions with datetime2(0) parameters now have the precision registered correctly when being read from a scripts folder
  • SC-10134: SQL Source Control can now parse nested AT TIME ZONE statements with parentheses
  • SC-10161: SQL Source Control will now rebuild indexes on views that reference a CLR assembly.
  • SC-10172: SQL Source Control no longer incorrectly processes AT TIME ZONE in table expressions
  • SC-10188: SQL Source Control now ignores instance-specific functions generated by Change Data Capture
  • SC-10204: Ignore not for replication now works correctly when not for replication is set at the end of a line and ignore whitespace is not set
  • SC-10212: The return value of sp_addrolemember is now checked to improve error handling
  • Fixed a null reference exception where a CLR type depends on an assembly that is being created
  • Fixed a null reference exception when loading a snapshot from an older version of SQL Compare that was created from a scripts folder

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