Redgate Test Data Manager

Data Generation troubleshooting and known limitations


Unsupported data types

The data generator currently only supports int, string and datetime data types. If you run it against a database containing any other type of column it will fail with an error code of UnknownDataType.

Cyclical references

The data generator does not support databases with cyclical or circular references. If you run it against a database with a cyclical reference, including a self-reference, it will fail.

Triggers may interfere with data generation

You may want to disable triggers in the target database before running the data generator. Otherwise the triggers may fire as the data generator inserts data into the target database, and this may have unwanted effects such as potentially causing data generation to fail.

Data Generator Hangs

Data generation can take a long time so the application may appear to be hanging while working. Generally you should just leave it, if something is wrong it will crash with an error message. If you're generating a lot of rows you might want to try a smaller number first to get an idea of how long it will take.

Insufficient rows inserted / No rows inserted

The data generator attempts to obey the constraints of the database such as foreign key constraints, unique constraints and check constraints. For some types of constraints, mainly check constraints, it does this by generating random data, attempting to insert it to find out whether it's valid and trying again if not. If a constraint is difficult to satisfy like this then the generator will give up after a certain percentage of failed inserts and report that insufficient rows or sometimes no rows were inserted.

This is mostly caused by check constraints, so you might be able to fix it by disabling them before running the data generator.

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