Redgate Test Data Manager

Subsetting example filter clauses

The --filter-clause argument supports complex WHERE clauses with sub-queries and joins. Here are a few example scenarios and how the --filter-clause argument looks like.


10% of sales orders

This is a Sql Server example which takes a certain percentage of a table. This filter works with the worked example.

--starting-table "[dbo].[Users]"
--filter-clause "Id IN (SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT Id FROM [dbo].[Users])"

10 random records

This is a Postgres example which takes a certain number of rows chosen at random. This filter will work for any table. 

--filter-clause "1=1 order by random() fetch first 10 rows only"

Purchase orders where vendor is from Glendale

This is a Sql Server example which finds all product vendors based in a particular city. It demonstrates a filter containing a subquery.

--starting-table "Purchasing.ProductVendor"
--filter-clause "ProductID IN (SELECT ProductID FROM Purchasing.ProductVendor pv
	INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress bea ON pv.BusinessEntityID=bea.BusinessEntityID
	INNER JOIN Person.Address a ON bea.AddressID=a.AddressID
	WHERE a.City='Glendale')"

Specify Starting table in config file

- Table: "[dbo].[Users]"
  FilterClause: "Id IN (SELECT TOP 25 PERCENT Id FROM [dbo].[Users])"

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