ANTS Performance Profiler 7

Troubleshooting SQL and HTTP call profiling

ANTS Performance Profiler automatically captures performance data for inbound HTTP calls and for any SQL calls your application makes during profiling.

Missing SQL and HTTP calls in your results may be due to one or more of the following:

  • You are using ANTS Performance Profiler Standard edition.

    SQL and HTTP call profiling are available in ANTS Performance Profiler Professional edition only.
    For information on upgrading ANTS Performance Profiler, see Upgrading.

  • You are profiling in sampling mode.

    SQL and HTTP call data are captured only in line-level and method-level profiling modes.
    To compare sampling, line-level, and method-level modes, see Choosing a profiling mode.

  • You are profiling an application compiled into an NGen profile image.

    ANTS Performance Profiler cannot intercept SQL and HTTP calls for NGen profile images loaded at runtime.
    To disable the NGen image for the profiled application, at the command prompt, enter ngen uninstall * /profile and start a new profiling session. 

Missing SQL calls only:

  • Your application calls a database using unsupported ADO.NET drivers.

    Currently, ANTS Performance Profiler captures timing data for calls to all SQL, Oracle, and SQL Services (formerly SQL Azure) servers, wherever they are hosted.
    Calls to databases that use other ADO.NET drivers (including MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL) are not currently instrumented, so no timing data for these SQL calls are shown.
    You can request support for other server types at the feature suggestions forum.

  • Your SQL calls are made asynchronously.

    ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 does not capture timing information for asynchronous SQL operations. Begin calls (e.g.BeginExecuteReader) to SqlCommand are not captured. Standard Execute commands (e.g. ExecuteReader) will be profiled.

  • Your calls use a non-standard SQL API.

    ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 instruments several standard interfaces for calling databases, but calls made via less common APIs may not be captured. If you think this is the case for your application, please contact Support, giving as many details as possible of your implementation.

Missing HTTP calls only:

  • The page consists entirely of static content, not content generated dynamically by the ASP.NET application.

    By default, ANTS Performance Profiler does not capture page load events that render only static content.
    If you want to see static content load events in the call tree, add the following setting to your application's web.config file:

      <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />

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