ANTS Performance Profiler 9

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover ANTS Performance Profiler 9, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

ANTS Performance Profiler 9.0 release notes

ANTS Performance Profiler

November 20th, 2014


SQL execution plan diagrams

You can use ANTS Performance Profiler 9 to create execution plan diagrams for the SQL calls made by your application.

To create an execution plan diagram for a query, in the Database calls view, select the query and click .

For more information about execution plans, see The execution plan diagram.

SQL query parameters

ANTS Performance Profiler 9 shows information about parameters in SQL queries.

For more information, see The database calls view.

Support for .NET 4.5.1 and 4.5.2

You can use ANTS Performance Profiler 9 to profile.NET 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 applications.


  • PP-3411: Fixed crash when parameter lists were shortened
  • PP-3543: Fixed bug where database hit counts had three decimal places in HTML exports

ANTS Performance Profiler

December 3rd, 2014


  • PP-3670: Fixed crash when profiling IIS with non-default UAC settings


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