Data Compare for Oracle 6

Data Compare for Oracle 5.6 release notes

Version 5.6.4 - January 7th, 2020


  • OC-1176: Information about used ignore rules added to application log file..


  • ODC-440: Missing image on HTML report added.
  • ODC-439: Collecting static data from .csv file fixed.
  • ODC-434: Command-line: When wrong credentials provided added correct information about that.

Version 5.6.3 - November 29th, 2019


  • OC-1128: Now is possible to add additional information when you send an error report.


  • ODC-437: Issue causing error when trying to sort rows fixed.

Version 5.6.2 - November 13th, 2019


  • ODC-433: Devart dotConnect library updated (9.8.838).
  • OC-1135: Switch to accept the license in Linux version of command line tool added.

Version 5.6.1 - October 18th, 2019


  • ODC-431: Issue with missing table which occurs on refreshing the "Tables and Views" tab fixed.
  • OC-1137: Problem with OS Authentication fixed.

Version 5.6.0 - October 2nd, 2019


  • OC-1125: Modified method of checking permissions to "dba_" Oracle Data Dictionary objects.
  • ODC-429: Option "Check tables for data" behavior fixed (it acted as selected despite unchecking).


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