DLM Automation 2

Installing from a command prompt

To install the DLM Automation silently from a command prompt: 

  1. Download the SQL Toolbelt installer from the Redgate website.
  2. Open a command prompt running as administrator (right-click and select Run as administrator).
  3. Navigate to the folder containing the SQLToolbelt.exe installer. For example, enter  cd C:\Users\Username\Downloads

  4. Enter SQLToolbelt.exe /IAgreeToTheEula
    You can also use the following optional parameters:

    • log log.txt
      Creates log files in the same folder as the SQLToolbelt.exe. You can specify the name of an existing text file to overwrite. For example: /log WidgetShopInstallLog.txt.
      Stops sending feature usage reporting (FUR) data to Redgate. By default, this is set to RG_PFUR_ENABLED=0, if set to 1 you agree that Redgate can collect data to help understand how you're using our tools, and prioritize future development work. 
      Stops sending error reports to Redgate. By default, this is set to SENDERRORS=1 so Redgate can collect data to help understand problems, and prioritize bug fixes.
      Use this parameter to specify a valid license key. This will activate the suite during installation. 

    For example:

    SQLToolbelt.exe /IAgreeToTheEula log log.txt RG_PFUR_ENABLED=1 RG_LICENSE=000-000-000000-0000

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