DLM Automation 2

Switch from SQL CI command line to PowerShell replacement script

In the root of the DLM Automation install location is a file called sqlci.ps1. This roughly does the same functions as sqlci.exe and is called in a similar manner. To use it, open a PowerShell command prompt and invoke the script with the same arguments as sqlci.exe, but with a slightly different format. You can get to the new format by following a few simple rules:

  • Use '-' instead of '/'
  • Separate argument name and value using a space instead of ':' or '='
  • Any arguments inside /additionalCompareArgs become their own arguments
  • Add -Verbose to get richer output

For example:

"%DLMAS_HOME%\sqlci\sqlci.exe" test /package="C:\folder path\package.nupkg" /sqlDataGenerator /additionalCompareArgs="/Options=NoTransactions"

Will become:

powershell -File "%DLMAS_HOME%\SQLCI.ps1" test -package "C:\folder path\package.nupkg" -sqlDataGenerator -Options NoTransactions -Verbose



We have fixed an issue around the test result file names. The junit test results file name has changed from <packageId>.<packageVersion>reports.junit.xml to <packageId>.<packageVersion>.junit.xml.

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