Redgate Flyway

Google BigQuery

Google BigQuery

  • Verified Versions: Latest
  • Maintainer: Redgate

Supported Versions and Support Levels


Item Details
URL format jdbc:bigquery://;ProjectId=project_id;OAuthType=0;OAuthServiceAcctEmail=service_account_name;OAuthPvtKeyPath=path_to_key;
SSL support No
Ships with Flyway Command-line No
Maven Central coordinates None. The Simba driver is available for download here
Supported versions -
Default Java class com.simba.googlebigquery.jdbc42.Driver


Executing multiple schema changes against GCP BigQuery is comparatively slow as it is optimized for data. You can read more about it here.

Flyway alleviates this via batching which executes multiple schema changes in one request to minimize latency and improve performance.

To enable batching follow the guide here for your platform.
In the Flyway Command-Line this would look like the following:

> flyway migrate -batch=true

Data limit

Flyway Community Edition has a 10GB data limit across all datasets, and this is unlimited in Flyway Teams

Using Flyway with Google BigQuery


  • Using Flyway with Maven?
    • Include the Flyway GCP BigQuery dependency here in your pom
  • Using Flyway with Gradle?
    • Include the Flyway GCP BigQuery dependency here as a buildscript dependency

Installing dependencies

Google BigQuery requires a number of dependencies to be installed manually.

Go to Google's documentation and download the JDBC driver.

You will get a zip archive with many JARs inside.

If you are using the Flyway command-line, you will need replace the flyway/drivers/ folder with the contents of this archive.

If you are using the Flyway Maven plugin, you will need to add the contents of this archive to your classpath. ​

Configuring Flyway

​ This is a JDBC URL that points to your database. You can configure a connection using this sample URL as an example:


We need to fetch three things to complete this URL: ​

  • project_id
  • service_account_name
  • path_to_service_account

project_id is the name of your BigQuery project within GCP.

To get service_account_name and path_to_service_account, you'll need to create a 'service account' for your Flyway connections.

To do this, open IAM within GCP project settings. There you can create a service account. Upon creating this, you will be given the service_account_name (it will look like Upon creating this you'll have the option to download a keyfile.

The keyfile file needs to be accessible to Flyway, so save it somewhere accessible on your machine. Then configure path_to_service_account to point to this file.

You can learn more about service accounts here.

Set this URL in the url property in your Flyway configuration.

Other configuration

Set the schemas property in your Flyway configuration to the name of a data set within your BigQuery project. Set the user and password properties to empty in your Flyway configuration since we're authenticating using the JDBC URL i.e.

flyway.schemas=<your data set>

In a Flyway configuration file.


While the Simba JDBC driver supports a number of different modes for authentication, Google User Account authentication (that is, OAuthType=1) is not recommended for desktop use and is not supported at all for unattended use, or use in Docker, as it requires a browser to be available to get an access token interactively.

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