For PostgreSQL users - where are your DBs hosted?


  • Status: Preview
  • Verified Versions: V7
  • Maintainer: Redgate

  • JDBC Driver: JetBrains Datagrip MongoDB Driver.

Supported Versions and Support Levels

Native Connectors

If you are on the OSS edition, you will have Native Connectors on by default. Otherwise, you may have switched it on.

If you have, you should consult the MongoDB - Native Connectors documentation instead of this page.


Item Details
URL format jdbc:mongodb://ip address:port number/database-name jdbc:mongodb+srv://ip address/database_name
SSL support No
Ships with Flyway Command-line Yes (Redgate Distribution only while in preview)
Maven Central coordinates n/a
Supported versions 7 and later (including Mongo Atlas)
Default Java class com.dbschema.MongoJdbcDriver


We have to map Flyway concepts and language rooted in the relational database world to MongoDB - this is how Flyway sees the mapping:

MongoDB Concept Flyway Concept
database database/schema
collection table
row document
transaction transaction

Using Flyway with MongoDB


  • Using Flyway with Maven?
    • Include the latest Flyway MongoDB dependency here in your pom
      • For example:
        • Redgate
        • Open Source
    • Include the latest MongoDB driver dependency here in your buildscript or import into your local maven repository:
      • For example:
      • or mvn install:install-file -Dfile=mongo-jdbc-standalone-1.19.jar -DgroupId=com.github.kornilova203 -DartifactId=mongo-jdbc-driver -Dversion=1.19 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
  • Using Flyway with Gradle?
    • Include the latest Flyway MongoDB dependency here as a buildscript dependency
    • Include the latest MongoDB driver dependency here in your buildscript
      • For example:
          dependencies {
        implementation files('mongo-jdbc-standalone-1.19.jar')

Configuring Flyway

You must configure a JDBC URL that points to your database. You can configure a connection using this sample URL as an example:

jdbc:mongodb://ip address:port number/database-name

We need to fetch three things to complete this url:

  • ip address
  • port number (optional)
  • database_name (optional)

MongoDB Scripts

Migrations in mongo are not .sql files like the flyway norm, but instead are .js. With standard configuration, flyway will still look for .sql files as migrations, but when executing them will expect them to contain javascript.

To make this more of a native Mongo experience, we recommend changing the sqlMigrationSuffixes configuration to .js. This can be done in your TOML configuration as such:

sqlMigrationSuffixes = [".js"]


  • You can't currently do a Dry-run operation with MongoDB.

Known issues

  • Performance connecting to MongoDB can be slow. This is a known issue in the driver we are using. It should only impact initial connection so will not impact larger or many migrations. We are investigating solutions to this.
  • When you see the output of flyway, the migration will be described as type SQL. Don't worry, this is just how Flyway describes a versioned migration - your migration hasn't been changed on its way through Flyway !

MongoDB preview feedback

Thank you for testing this preview feature. We have a few ways you can get in touch with us to provide feedback:

If you're using the Teams/Enterprise edition

If you're using the OSS/Community edition

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