
SQL Server Database

SQL Server

  • Verified Versions: 2008, 2022
  • Maintainer: Redgate

Supported Versions and Support Levels


Item Details
URL format jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;databaseName=database
SSL support Yes - add ;encrypt=true
Ships with Flyway Command-line Yes
Maven Central coordinates
Supported versions 4.0 and later
Default Java class

Java Usage

SQLServer support is a separate dependency for Flyway and will need to be added to your Java project to access these features.




Open Source




dependencies {
    implementation "com.redgate.flyway:flyway-sqlserver"

Open Source

dependencies {
    implementation "org.flywaydb:flyway-sqlserver"

SQL Script Syntax


  • DDL exported by SQL Server can be used unchanged in a Flyway migration.
  • Any SQL Server sql script executed by Flyway, can be executed by Sqlcmd, SQL Server Management Studio and other SQL Server-compatible tools (after the placeholders have been replaced).


/* Single line comment */
CREATE TABLE Customers (
CustomerId smallint identity(1,1),
Name nvarchar(255),
Priority tinyint
TransactionId smallint identity(1,1),
CustomerId smallint,
[Net Amount] int,
Completed bit

CREATE TRIGGER dbo.Update_Customer_Priority
 ON dbo.Sales
 select CustomerId from inserted
 select CustomerId from deleted
UPDATE Customers
 Priority =
     when t.Total &lt; 10000 then 3
     when t.Total between 10000 and 50000 then 2
     when t.Total &gt; 50000 then 1
     when t.Total IS NULL then NULL
FROM Customers c
INNER JOIN CTE ON CTE.CustomerId = c.CustomerId
   SUM([Net Amount]) Total
 from Sales
 inner join CTE on CTE.CustomerId = Sales.CustomerId
   Completed = 1
 group by Sales.CustomerId
) t ON t.CustomerId = c.CustomerId

-- Placeholder
INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T');


SQL Server supports several methods of authentication. These include:

  • SQL Server Authentication
  • Windows Authentication
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Kerberos Flyway Teams

SQL Server Authentication works 'out-of-the-box' with Flyway, whereas the others require extra manual setup.

The instructions provided here are adapted from the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server documentation. Refer to this when troubleshooting authentication problems.

Note: These instructions may be incomplete. Flyway depends on Microsoft's JDBC drivers, which in turn have many environmental dependencies to enable different authentication types. You may have to perform your own research to get the JDBC driver working for the different authentication types.

SQL Server Authentication

This uses a straightforward username and password to authenticate. Provide these with the user and password configuration options.

Windows Authentication

Windows Authentication, also known as Integrated Security, is enabled by amending your JDBC connection string to set integratedSecurity=true.



Azure Active Directory

Installing Dependencies

You must add Microsoft's MSAL4J library to your classpath. For instance, as a Maven or Gradle dependency. For Azure Active Directory MSI, Azure Identity is also required to be added to your classpath.

For command-line users, MSAL4J and Azure Identity are already included, so no extra installation is required.


There are several types of Azure Active Directory authentication:

  • Azure Active Directory with MFA
  • Azure Active Directory Integrated
  • Azure Active Directory MSI
  • Azure Active Directory with Password
  • Azure Active Directory Service Principal
  • Access Tokens

To use the various authentication types, amend your JDBC URL to set the authentication parameter:

  • For Active Directory Integrated set authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated
    • e.g: jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;databaseName=database;authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated
  • For Active Directory MSI set authentication=ActiveDirectoryMSI
    • e.g: jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;databaseName=database;authentication=ActiveDirectoryMSI
  • For Active Directory With Password set authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword
    • e.g: jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;databaseName=database;authentication=ActiveDirectoryPassword
    • You must also supply a username and password with Flyway's user and password configuration options
  • For Active Directory Interactive set authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive
    • e.g: jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;databaseName=database;authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive
    • This will begin an interactive process which expects user input (e.g. a dialogue box), so it's not recommended in automated environments
  • For Active Directory Service Principal set authentication=ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal
    • e.g: jdbc:sqlserver://host:port;databaseName=database;authentication=ActiveDirectoryServicePrincipal

The Microsoft documentation has more details about how these work with JDBC URLs .

Azure access tokens

Another way to authenticate using Azure Active Directory is through access tokens. As of the time of writing, the access token property on Microsoft's JDBC driver cannot be supplied through the URL. Therefore you should use Flyway's jdbcProperties configuration property.

E.g, in a flyway.conf file:


This is equivalent to the process of setting accessToken as described on this Microsoft documentation page .


Flyway Teams

Kerberos authentication can also be used to connect Flyway to your database.

To set this up, you will need to pass the path to your Kerberos configuration file to the parameter kerberosConfigFile and the path to your login module configuration file to the parameter sqlserver.kerberos.login.file.

You may also need to add ;authenticationScheme=JavaKerberos to your JDBC URL.

For more information on Kerberos authentication with SQL Server, you can read the official documentation here.

Connecting to a Named Instance

When connecting to a named instance, the JDBC URL must be of the form:


For example:


Note: If a named instance is used along with the <host>:<port> syntax in the JDBC URL, the driver will connect to the port over the named instance.


  • Flyway's automatic detection for whether SQL statements are valid in transactions does not apply to CREATE/ALTER/DROP statements acting on memory-optimized tables (that is, those created with WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON)). You will need to override the executeInTransaction setting to be false, on a per-script basis.
  • SQL Server is unable to change the default schema for a session. Therefore, setting the flyway.defaultSchema property has no value, unless used for a Placeholder in your sql scripts. If you decide to use flyway.defaultSchema, it also must exist in flyway.schemas.
  • By default, the flyway schema history table will try to write to the default schema for the database connection. You may specify which schema to write this table to by setting flyway.schemas=custom_schema, as the first entry will become the default schema if flyway.defaultSchema itself is not set.
  • With these limitations in mind, please refer to the properties or options mentioned here for descriptions/consequences.
  • If using the JTDS driver, then setting ANSI_NULLS or QUOTED_IDENTIFIER in a script will cause an error. This is a driver limitation, and can be solved by using the Microsoft driver instead.
  • When running clean, no users will be dropped

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