For PostgreSQL users - where are your DBs hosted?

Git Resolver

Flyway Teams

This is a property resolver which can be used to derive values based upon git. The following values are currently supported:

  • branch - the git branch which is currently checked out
  • commit - the commit hash of the current commit
  • user - the git username ( in git config)
  • email - the git user email ( in git config)

To configure this simply reference one of the supported properties within an environment parameter.

One common use of this resolver is to automatically connect to a different development database when switching branch.


Flyway Desktop

This can't be set in a config file via Flyway Desktop, although it will be honoured.

TOML Configuration File

url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;database=MyDatabase_${git.branch:ad};encrypt=true;integratedSecurity=true"

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