Redgate Flyway

For PostgreSQL users - where are your DBs hosted?

Flyway Dry Run Output Setting

Flyway Teams


The file where to output the SQL statements of a migration dry run. If the file specified is in a non-existent directory, Flyway will create all directories and parent directories as needed. If this is a relative path, it will be resolved relative to your working directory.

Omit to use the default mode of executing the SQL statements directly against the database.

See dry runs for more details.

Amazon S3

Paths starting with s3: point to a bucket in AWS S3, which must exist. They are in the format s3:<bucket>(/optionalfolder/subfolder)/filename.sql. To use AWS S3, the AWS SDK v2 and dependencies must be included, and configured for your S3 account.

Google Cloud Storage

Paths starting with gcs: point to a bucket in Google Cloud Storage, which must exist. They are in the format gcs:<bucket>(/optionalfolder/subfolder)/filename.sql. To use GCS, the GCS library must be included, and the GCS environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be set to the credentials file for the service account that has access to the bucket.


When running multiple commands, e.g. ./flyway info migrate, the dry run output will only remain open for the first command and subsequent commands will not be recorded. This will cause a warning saying Unable to close dry run output: Stream Closed, so it's recommended to only use dry runs when running migrate on its own.




Execute directly against the database


Flyway Desktop

This can't be explicitly configured via Flyway Desktop, although it is used under the hood when running dry runs on the Migrations page.


./flyway -dryRunOutput="/my/output/file.sql"

TOML Configuration File

dryRunOutput = "/my/output/file.sql"

Configuration File


Environment Variable





flyway {
    dryRunOutput = '/my/output/file.sql'



Use Cases

Preview changes without altering the database

Quite often a migration may be making use of placeholders, such as in the following statement:

INSERT INTO table1(name) VALUES('${name}')

There may also be callbacks executing as part of your migration process which you might not be aware of when developing migrations. Instead of risking errors when migrating against your actual database with these unknowns, you can use dry runs to generate the SQL that would be executed in order to preview what would happen without altering the database. For example, you may notice that the placeholder ${name} isn't what you expected. Part of the dry run might show as:

-- Source: ./V1__insert1.sql
INSERT INTO table1(name) VALUES('XYZ')

You may have expected ${name} to be ABC instead of XYZ. There could also be a callback being executed before your migration which you aren't accounting for.

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