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  1. Can't connect to Active Directory authentication service

    Redgate Monitor database and run it on the server: For versions until v11.1.7 (excluding v11.1.7): USE [RedGateMonitor] GO DELETE FROM [s


  2. Managing connections and memory

    servers. On the SQL Prompt menu, select Options. Go to the Suggestions > Connections page. Under Databases, select Don't load suggestions


  3. Exit codes used in the command line

    was not created. 74 - I/O error This is returned if SQL Compare attempts to write to a file that already exists, and the /force switch ha


  4. Getting started with the Flyway Service

    . Create a PAT token Go to the link provided below and copy the resulting token.


  5. The About Data Masker Form

    a form which enables an online key request to be made. Click on the link to go to the main D


  6. Performance and activity monitoring

    performance (I/O, memory, CPU), if any, whether blocking is occurring and more. View alerts directly within the context of the performanc


  7. Troubleshooting after building

    that obfuscation is set so that you can decode any obfuscated symbols in error messages. To do this, go to the Project settings, and go t


  8. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 release notes

    details, see HTTP request timings in IIS. In higher DPI modes, the Application Settings options to record file I/O and to profile child p


  9. Troubleshooting after building

    that obfuscation is set so that you can decode any obfuscated symbols in error messages. To do this, go to the Project settings, and go t


  10. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 release notes

    details, see HTTP request timings in IIS. In higher DPI modes, the Application Settings options to record file I/O and to profile child p


  11. Unsaved documents cannot be cut or copied to the clipboard from the Miscellaneous Files project

    these steps. Go to Tools -> Options. Under the Environment section, select Documents. Deselect the Show Miscellaneous files in Solution E


  12. How SQL Monitor collects metric and alert data

    instance, there is a set of SqlServer performance objects that capture metric data on resource use (memory, CPU, I/O), user activity (con


  13. Deploying a database using PowerShell scripts

    folder that SQL Release can export to. If the folder isn't empty, the cmdlet will fail. Press F5 to run the script. 3. Review the deploym


  14. How do I update an Octopus Deploy step template?

    the Octopus Deploy Library website On the Octopus Deploy library website, go to the DLM Automation step templates


  15. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    , or take other remedial action. See Account permissions required. Go to the Global Overview page to see the current health of your monito


  16. Jenkinsfile pipeline as code (state-based deployments)

    \utplsql run HR_TEST/Redgate1@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=localhost)(Port=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=XE))) -f=ut_xunit_reporte


  17. SQL Backup 4.0 release notes

    databases to script in one go). New UI. Log Shipping Wizard. Backup and restore history data will be saved in the msdb table instead (as


  18. PostgreSQL instance and host machine metrics

    connections to a Postgres Instance at a given time. Block write time The time in ms/s which queries have spent waiting on I/O to write bl


  19. Disable TFS policy checking

    If you don't want your commits to have to conform to TFS policies, you can stop SQL Source Control checking for TFS policies by editing a


  20. Change how many revisions are shown in the History dialog box

    By default, the History dialog box shows all the revisions made to the selected database. You can change the number of revisions shown by


  21. Change the transaction isolation level

    When getting changes, by default SQL Source Control uses the READ COMMITTED transaction isolation level. You can change this by editing a


  22. Compressing and encrypting managed resources

    and encrypt resources, in the Project Settings window, go to Resources Compression and Encryption or click the icon in the toolbar


  23. Turning on frequent updates

    Updates To turn off Frequent Updates, go to the Configure frequent updates section (as in step 1 above) and clear the Show Frequent Updat


  24. LCK_M_IX

    these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing locks to be held for longer than usual: Machine: memory used


  25. LCK_M_UIX

    . lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing locks to be held


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