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  1. Use-DlmDatabaseRelease

    " -Database "Staging" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $package = "C:\NuGetFeed\database.nupkg" $update = New-DlmDatabaseRelease -Sourc


  2. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema -Source $scriptsFolder -Target $test This example show how to update a test database to


  3. Options for formatting your code

    in the current query editor or the highlighted SQL code fragment, do any of the following: on the SQL Prompt menu, select Format SQL pres


  4. Using styles to format your code

    of the following: press Ctrl + K + Y (hold down Ctrl and press K then Y) right-click and click Format SQL on the SQL Prompt menu, select


  5. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    > Specifies the SQL Server user name to use to log in if you are using SQL Server authentication. -P -P <SQL_Server_password> Specifies th


  6. "ManagementException: Invalid class" while creating/deleting images or clones

    the WMI repository net stop winmgmt /y Winmgmt


  7. Deployment

    -ServerInstance "your-server\sql2014" -Database "WidgetStaging" -Username "sa" -Password "p@ssw0rd" $DB2 = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -Ser


  8. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    > Specifies the SQL Server user name to use to log in if you are using SQL Server authentication. -P -P <SQL_Server_password> Specifies th


  9. Command line syntax

    /password:P@ssw0rd /password:<password> Alias: /p The password for connecting to the server. You must also provide a username. If you don


  10. "ManagementException: Invalid class" while creating/deleting images or clones

    the WMI repository net stop winmgmt /y Winmgmt


  11. Generic generators

    bob [chars]character set [A-Z0- 9] eg. 5 or G individual chars [FM] F or M initial ] in char set []] ] [x-y] range [0-9] eg. 3 or 9 compl


  12. Options for formatting your code

    in the current query editor or the highlighted SQL code fragment, do any of the following: on the SQL Prompt menu, select Format SQL pres


  13. Using styles to format your code

    of the following: press Ctrl + K + Y (hold down Ctrl and press K then Y) right-click and click Format SQL on the SQL Prompt menu, select


  14. SQL Prompt 10.14 release notes

    was unavailable in Visual Studio. The keyboard shortcut for "Script Object as ALTER" has been changed from F12 to Alt+Y for Visual Studio


  15. Scripting SQL Backup Pro

    > Specifies the SQL Server user name to use to log in if you are using SQL Server authentication. -P -P <SQL_Server_password> Specifies th


  16. Deployment scripts

    ].[__MigrationLogCurrent] WHERE [migration_id] = CAST ('42f0706e-b084-4da8-afe6-357b653c7bf9' AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER)) PRINT ' ***** EXECUTIN


  17. Restoring the master database

    -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\master 20070101.sqb'" -I Instance2 If you are using SQL Server authentication, use


  18. Update-ClassificationInLiveDatabase

    -------------------------- Update-ClassificationInLiveDatabase -instanceName "sqlserver\sql2016" -databaseName "WideWorldImporters" -user


  19. Command line syntax

    /password:P@ssw0rd /password:<password> Alias: /p The password for connecting to the server. You must also provide a username. If you don


  20. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    \sql2014" -Database "Test" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema -Source $scriptsFolder -Target $test Thi


  21. Further advice on defining a taxonomy

    ? What questions do you think they’ll ask? Will some want to know: ‘Where is the data behind system x or application y?’ ‘What systems is


  22. Test-DlmDatabaseConnection

    ---------- $connection = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "prod01\sql2014" -Database "Production" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ss


  23. SmartAssembly 5.0 release notes

    Better handling of renaming assemblies that are merged Fixed bugs in pruning related p/Invoke calls Major bugs in highest obfuscation lev


  24. Step 1 - Installation requirements

    (i.e. my-certificate.key) files. TLS Certificate - The PEM file containing the TLS certificate. The PEM file should contain the certifica


  25. Setting up database connections

    " -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DlmDatabaseConnection to a variable, you can reuse this as the input for another cmd


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