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  1. New-DatabaseConnection

    " -Database "Staging" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" This example shows how to create a Database Connection object. The o


  2. Managing connections and memory

    suggestions. To do this, go to the SQL Prompt menu and clear Enable Suggestions (or press Ctrl + Shift + P): image2016-3-16 14:24:8.png T


  3. Managing connections and memory

    suggestions. To do this, go to the SQL Prompt menu and clear Enable Suggestions (or press Ctrl + Shift + P): image2016-3-16 14:24:8.png T


  4. Full list of deployment warnings

    password of 'p@ssw0rd' The target database includes a table that was recovered from a failed SQL Compare deployment. You can use recovery


  5. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    the sys.dm_tran_database_transactions DMV, and others, for this. See, for example, p.125 of


  6. About Command Line Automation

    , specify this option for each schema. If not specified, all schemas that contain tables will be added to the masking set. -p, --parfile <


  7. Generating a new SSH key pair

    of this machine cat <PUBLIC_KEY_FILEPATH> | ssh <USERNAME>@<REMOTE_HOST> "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod -R go=


  8. New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    " -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" New-DatabaseReleaseArtifact -Source $test -Target $staging This example show how to crea


  9. Shadow Database or Shadow Schema

    : docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -p 3307:3306 mysql Creating another MySQL instance on the same machine: One option is to r


  10. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    , p.125 of


  11. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    , p.125 of


  12. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    , p.125 of


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