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  1. Manually licensing Redgate assemblies

    , RedGate.SQLDataCompare.Engine Save the file and exit. Run the licence compiler: lc.exe /target:"MyApp.exe" /complist:"licence.txt" /i:"c


  2. Migrating projects with custom Migration Log name properties

    "MyMigrationObjSchema" GO USE [$(DatabaseName)] BEGIN TRANSACTION IF OBJECT_ID('[$(NewMigrationLogSchemaName)].[__MigrationLog]', 'U') IS


  3. Example Python scripts

    to it def main(config): return list(Sequence(config["n_rows"])) # The max number of rows available def Sequence(max): for i in range(1, m


  4. Add additional nodes (preview)

    these database engines may be licensed per-machine/CPU). Other database engines will run on any available node.


  5. DLM Automation licenses and SQL Change Automation

    . This page explains the implications of the launch of SQL Change Automation for existing DLM Automation users. I purchased the SQL Toolbe


  6. Rolling back

    with U), starting with the most recent, all the way back to the undo script that corresponds to the version to be rolled back to. Running


  7. Rolling back

    objects such as functions and procedures. Rolling back involves: Running pre-authored undo scripts (prefixed with U), starting with the m


  8. Example Python scripts

    to it def main(config): return list(Sequence(config["n_rows"])) # The max number of rows available def Sequence(max): for i in range(1, m


  9. Step 2 - Installation pre-requisites checks

    . Confirm you can access an external site: curl -i File share setup Requirements In order to be able to


  10. Command line switches

    from the deployment script. useunistrinstringliterals u If the database character set is not Unicode, Unicode characters in scripts will


  11. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup writes the resul


  12. Command line switches

    from the deployment script. useunistrinstringliterals u If the database character set is not Unicode, Unicode characters in scripts will


  13. Working with the call tree

    for I/O to complete: The executing thread was blocked waiting for file I/O. Waiting for I/O to complete items only contribute to timings


  14. Changes to distribution of command line

    the command line version of SQL Compare, I see a message that the Automation license is a trial version. What does this mean? This means


  15. Changes to distribution of command line

    . When running the command line version of SQL Compare, I see a message that the Automation license is a trial version. What does this mea


  16. Changes to distribution of command line

    the command line version of SQL Compare, I see a message that the Automation license is a trial version. What does this mean? This means


  17. .NET Reflector 9.0 release notes

    the assembly list tree RP-3478 - The 'show inherited members' keyboard shortcut (CTRL-I) works again RP-3881 - Switch on strings is no lo


  18. LCK_M_RS_S

    : Lock timeouts/sec Lock timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O


  19. LCK_M_RS_U

    on locking behavior: Lock timeouts/sec Lock timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether mem


  20. LCK_M_RIn_U

    timeouts/sec Lock timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottle


  21. LCK_M_RIn_X

    timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing


  22. LCK_M_RIn_NL

    behavior: Lock timeouts/sec Lock timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problem


  23. LCK_M_RIn_S

    Lock timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O bottlenecks are cau


  24. LCK_M_IU

    problems or I/O bottlenecks are causing locks to be held for longer than usual: Machine: memory used Memory pages/sec Disk avg. read time


  25. LCK_M_RX_U

    : Lock timeouts/sec Lock timeouts/sec Avg. lock wait time On the Analysis page, check these metrics to see whether memory problems or I/O


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