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  1. Migrations

    (PL/SQL, T-SQL, ...) typically used to define stored procedures, packages, ... Additionally in the case of Oracle, Flyway also supports S


  2. Performance diagnostics

    , and immediately see that these alerts coincide with spikes in the PAGEIOLATCH waits (and some other I/O-related waits), in the Waits His


  3. Creating custom metrics and alerts

    by running a T-SQL query against the objects at regular intervals and displaying the collected values as data points on the Analysis page


  4. MSQL_XP

    Extended stored procedures within SQL Server allow you to make a T-SQL external call to a compiled DLL, so you can run code that can’t be


  5. Test-DatabaseConnection

    = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "prod01\sql2014" -Database "Production" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Test-Dat



    , or disk subsystem performance issues. If it exists in combination with at least one of the following waits, your servers could be experi


  7. Data Compare for Oracle 2.5 release notes

    Version - February 19th, 2015 Fixes ODC-258, ODC-292, ODC-301: possibly fixed "I/O race condition" errors OSC-461: Passwords w


  8. Deploy a database package manually

    "WidgetProduction" -Username "sa" -Password "p@ssw0rd" # Create a database Release New-DlmDatabaseRelease -Source $source -Target $produc


  9. Example configuration using virtualization software

    just as well on Chrome. Data Repository configuration The Data Repository is an MS SQL Server database that stores the data collected by



    of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increas



    that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increased I/O activity. Investi



    of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increas



    experiencing some type of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may



    of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increas


  15. Profiling a .NET executable

    . This option will slow down your application slightly. Select Profile unmanaged memory allocations if your application access unmanaged m


  16. Profiling an ASP.NET application on web development server

    application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (N


  17. FAQ

    . SQL Server is typically slower than PostgreSQL for the same backup size) and in terms of infrastructure mainly by the I/O speed of your


  18. Setting up object locking

    OR redgate.locked_objects.os_user != current_os_user ); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20078,'You can''t ' || ora_sysevent || ' ' || ora_dict_o


  19. Data Compare for Oracle 2.6 release notes

    generated in the deployment wizard ODC-301: Attempted fix for "Probable I/O race condition" Correct schema now used when generating scrip


  20. Profiling an ASP.NET application on web development server

    application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory that your application uses. (N


  21. Navigating to Silverlight source code

    memory allocations if your application access unmanaged memory through P/Invoke or COM+, and you want to profile the unmanaged memory tha


  22. Profiling a .NET executable

    . This option will slow down your application slightly. Select Profile unmanaged memory allocations if your application access unmanaged m


  23. MSQL_XP

    Extended stored procedures within SQL Server allow you to make a T-SQL external call to a compiled DLL, so you can run code that can’t be


  24. Working with custom metrics and alerts

    by running a T-SQL query against the objects at regular intervals and displaying the collected values as data points on the Analysis page


  25. Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    "Production" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $build = Import-DatabaseBuildArtifact "C:\Work\buildArtifacts\DatabaseBuildA


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