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  1. Licensing

    when I deactivate a license? The number of available licenses will be decreased. If there are no longer sufficient licenses for all of yo


  2. Top procedures

    For stored procedures Redgate Monitor collects data from the sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats dynamic management object to provide details of s


  3. The RESTORE command

    This example restores a full backup of the pubs database from a single file. SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pu


  4. SQL Test 1.0 release notes

    April 25th, 2012 SQL Test is a unit testing add-in for SQL Server Management Studio. With SQL Test, you can: Create tests for your databa


  5. Overview of Redgate Monitor

    , and will help to diagnose CPU, memory or I/O queues and bottlenecks. It will help to understand the cause of query problems such as exce


  6. Worked example - adding a new script to SQL Scripts Manager

    You can use SQL Scripts Manager to build a simple graphical user interface for any SQL, Powershell, or IronPython script. Using one of yo


  7. Exit codes used in the command line

    was not created. 74 - I/O error This is returned if SQL Compare attempts to write to a file that already exists, and the /force switch ha


  8. 10.0

    or 2003 machine start up a DOS box and go to the folder where you copied the extracted files to run "msiexec -I "SQL Backup_10.A.B.C.msi"


  9. Global dashboard

    showing a breakdown of the relevant metric for the past 15 minutes: Waits Signal vs resource CPU Instance vs machine Disk I/O Reads vs wr


  10. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    cleared alerts will not be shown. What happens when I go back in time before a server was added? Servers added recently that were not bei


  11. Working with Microsoft SQL Server Database (SSDT) Projects

    . Why should I use Flyway with SSDT Projects? If your team is used to using SSDT Projects, then they may not want to change. Adding Flyway


  12. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 release notes

    details, see HTTP request timings in IIS. In higher DPI modes, the Application Settings options to record file I/O and to profile child p


  13. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 release notes

    details, see HTTP request timings in IIS. In higher DPI modes, the Application Settings options to record file I/O and to profile child p


  14. Backing up with SQL HyperBac encryption

    First, consider the T-SQL command that you would normally use to back up the "AdventureWorks" database: BACKUP DATABASE [AdventureWorks]


  15. Activating and deactivating

    assistance. What happens when I deactivate a serial number? The relevant number of servers are automatically moved from Licensed servers


  16. How SQL Monitor collects metric and alert data

    , for each monitored SQL Server instance, there is a set of SqlServer performance objects that capture metric data on resource use (memory


  17. Clone modifications

    (as of version 2.6.1). SQL Clone templates contain a collection of T-SQL scripts that will be run on a clone, in sequence, just after it


  18. Customizing existing generators

    category, Working Age is pre-configured to have a minimum value of 18 and a maximum value of 65. However, in your company the minimum age


  19. Jenkinsfile pipeline as code (state-based deployments)

    ", parameters: [ [$class: 'TextParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'I Approve The Deployment', description: 'To Proceed, type I Approve Th


  20. Use-DlmDatabaseRelease

    " -Database "Staging" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $package = "C:\NuGetFeed\database.nupkg" $update = New-DlmDatabaseRelease -Sourc


  21. Creating new tests

    writing tests in T-SQL using the tSQLt framework, see tSQLt User Guide


  22. Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema

    "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema -Source $scriptsFolder -Target $test This example show how to update a test database to


  23. The RESTORE command

    backup of the pubs database from a single file. SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "RESTORE DATABASE [pubs] FROM DISK = 'C:\Backups\p


  24. The CONVERT command

    pubs.sqb to an unencrypted MTF format file: SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "CONVERT 'C:\Backups\pubs.sqb' TO 'C:\Backups\pubs.bak


  25. New-SqlCloneImage

    the Buffer Count to be passed to the SQL Server performing the restore when creating an image from backup. This sets the total number of


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