Search for " Ծ߸ ڳ ͺ Ŀ´Ƽ ǽּ ߸2 ߸ӹٿޱ Ķ ̽ٿ" returned 2002 results.

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  1. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    named WidgetDev, WidgetTest or WidgetLive already exist on your SQL Server, the script will overwrite them. The databases are created and


  2. ReadyRoll 1.13 release notes

    LocalDB instance to match Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Fix integration with LocalDb on non-English locales. Enable the Import (Generate S


  3. Continuous integration

    this to True to skip variable validation during execution of the PowerShell script at deployment time. 2. Octopus Deploy package If you w


  4. Using the Deployment Wizard

    was created. 2. Configure backup (optional step) If you selected the option to back up before deployment, the Configure backup page is ad


  5. Simple examples using the command line

    /BackupFolder:C:\Backups /BackupFile:MyBackup.sqb /BackupCompression:2 /BackupEncryption /BackupPassword:P@ssw0rd /BackupNumberOfThreads:


  6. Tracked queries

    the ability to track or stop tracking any. Context menu option: image2023-2-22_14-33-47.png Expanded view button: image2023-2-10_10-25-6.


  7. Customizing the alert settings

    escalated to a Medium alert after 2 minutes, and then to High after 5 minutes. When the query finally ends it will be marked as Ended …


  8. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    named WidgetDev, WidgetTest or WidgetLive already exist on your SQL Server, the script will overwrite them. The databases are created and


  9. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    WidgetDev, WidgetTest or WidgetLive already exist on your SQL Server, the script will overwrite them. The databases are created and popul


  10. Creating backups - select the backup type and databases

    Creating backups > Specify SQL Server > Select backup type and database > File settings > Processing and encryption settings > Verificati


  11. Scheduling backups - select the backup type and database

    Scheduling backup jobs > Specify SQL Server > Select backup type and database > Create backup schedules > File settings > Processing and


  12. Permissions required to monitor SQL Server

    If connecting via WinRM the account should be a member of the WinRMRemoteWMIUsers__ group (2 underscores). Note: you will need to create


  13. SQL Prompt 6.5 release notes

    , the suggestions list now shows database objects as well as schemas: image2015-3-2 13:55:47.png If you select an object, SQL Prompt auto-


  14. New-SqlMonitorPostgreSql Aliases None Required? true Position? 2


  15. Get-SqlMonitorAmazonRdsSqlServer

    -SqlMonitorAmazonRdsSqlServer This command will get all AmazonRds SQL Servers from SQL Monitor Server. -------------------------- EXAMPLE


  16. Get-SqlMonitorAzureManagedInstance

    -------------------------- Get-SqlMonitorAzureManagedInstance This command will get all Azure Managed Instances from SQL Monitor Server.


  17. Get-SqlMonitorAzureSqlServer

    Azure SQL Servers from SQL Monitor Server. -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -------------------------- Get-SqlMonitorAzureSqlServer -


  18. Add-SqlMonitorAnnotation

    Wildcard Characters false -Description <String> A textual description of the annotation. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default


  19. New-SqlMonitorAmazonAuroraCluster Aliases None Required? true Position? 2


  20. New-SqlMonitorAmazonRdsHost

    Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -Group <Group> Gr


  21. Update-SqlMonitorAnnotation

    > A textual description of the annotation. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept


  22. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    in the fixed header at the top of each overview page: image2019-1-23_16-47-43.png You can use the drop-down to select the last 6, 12 or 2


  23. SQL Monitor Connection Error – Cannot generate SSPI context

    Microsoft Management Console (MMC) (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). Double-click the SQL Server service and, on the Gen


  24. Choose components

    service). image2021-10-25_14-14-9.png Your choices will result in 1-, 2- or 3-machine installation, depending on the location of the SQL


  25. Get-SqlMonitorElasticPool

    Pipeline Input True (ByValue) Accept Wildcard Characters false -Name <String> The Elastic Pool name to match. Aliases None Required? fals


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