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  1. Monitoring SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances and AlwaysOn Availability Groups hosted in Azure IAAS

    image2020-2-14_11-53-48.png image2017-10-9 16:54:38.png Adding the machine in SQL Monitor The normal reference points within SQL Monitor


  2. Renaming a table without data loss

    . The users table is committed to source control. 2. Rename the table Now that our environments are set up, we'll rename the users table o


  3. How to try out SQL Source Control

    Explorer, select WidgetDev. 2. Link to a source control repository Link the WidgetDev database to a SQL Source Control evaluation reposit


  4. Generating migrations

    : image2021-10-28_15-51-55.png 2. Review the differences Click on the objects in the top list to show the differences for that object at t


  5. Deprecated syntax rules

    The TORN_PAGE_DETECTION option only checks the first 2 bytes in every 512-byte sector. The only worthwhile page verification option is CH


  6. Migrations

    Migrations Overview With Flyway all changes to the database are called migrations. Migrations can be either versioned or repeatable. Versi


  7. Installing the server components on a SQL Server instance

    of the server components you're about to install. Click Next to proceed to step 2 of the wizard: If you're installing on a local machine,


  8. Installing manually on Windows Server 2008

    Wizard, run SQBServerSetup.exe on the cluster node. On step 2 of the wizard, the clustered SQL Server instances will be shown in the list


  9. Installing manually on Windows Server 2003

    SQBServerSetup.exe on the cluster node. On step 2 of the wizard, the clustered SQL Server instances will be shown in the list of availabl


  10. Limitations

    Pro only insists on .NET 2 or greater. However to run this functionality you will need to install a later version of .NET. Alternatively


  11. Backing up all databases on an instance

    a scheduled backup job, open the Schedule Backup Jobs wizard. On step 1 of the wizard, select the SQL Server instance. On step 2 of the w


  12. Installing the server components on a SQL Server cluster

    . clustersinstallexitsetup.gif 2. Selecting instances When you click Next on the Welcome page, a list of available instances is displayed.


  13. Scheduling backups - file settings

    if your SQL Server is unable to write large data blocks (over 2 MB) to the network share. You can use the MAXDATABLOCK keyword with the B


  14. Creating backups - file settings

    shares if your SQL Server is unable to write large data blocks (over 2 MB) to the network share. You can use the MAXDATABLOCK keyword wit


  15. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    SQL Monitor 2.3. If your current license includes a valid support and upgrades package for SQL Monitor 2.x, the same license serial numbe


  16. Update-SqlMonitorAnnotation

    description of the annotation. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Ch


  17. Add-SqlMonitorAnnotation

    Characters false -Description <String> A textual description of the annotation. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value No


  18. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    header at the top of each overview page: image2019-1-23_16-47-43.png You can use the drop-down to select the last 6, 12 or 24 hours, 2 da


  19. Applying changes to a database in Visual Studio

    . 2. Create a new script In the Solution Explorer right-click the folder you want to add the script to, and select Add, then New Item....


  20. Using seed data in Visual Studio

    [Production].[TransactionHistory] FROM '$(DeployPath)TransactionHistoryData.csv' WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', FIRSTROW = 2); Instead of s


  21. Components

    and Visual Studio Working with the SSMS add-in Working with the Visual Studio extension 2. PowerShell Build components


  22. Generating migrations in Visual Studio

    by executing the following SQL script: CREATE PROCEDURE sprTest AS BEGIN SELECT 1 END 2. Open SQL Change Automation in Visual Studio In V


  23. Use the Azure DevOps Release extension with Windows Authentication credentials

    "wsman/<your computer name>" to servers list for both settings. image2021-6-4_17-37-25.pngimage2021-6-4_17-38-37.png 2. Enable receiving


  24. Reports

    SQL Monitor allows you to create, configure and schedule reports. Reports are only available for SQL Server instances and databases. Creat


  25. Use the Azure DevOps Release extension

    DevOps Build extension. SQL Change Automation: Release Azure DevOps plugin installed. 2. Create a release definition A Azure DevOps relea


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