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  1. Jenkins YAML (Jenkinsfile) Windows/Linux

    commonly asked questions: How do I run Flyway commands inside a pipeline? How can I setup a Jenkins pipeline, using Flyway? Section 2 - R


  2. Compression levels

    . Compression level 2 This compression level uses the zlib compression algorithm, and is a variation of compression level 3. On average, t


  3. Flyway Desktop 5 release notes

    5.17.1 - Dec 19th, 2022 Improvements Clean no longer runs in a transaction so objects such as memory-optimised tables for SQL Server can n


  4. The Log Copy Queue

    according to the following schedule: Copy attempt Copy attempt is made... 1 Immediately 2 2 minutes after the 1st copy attempt failed 3 4


  5. The In Progress tab

    according to the following schedule for up to 24 hours: Upload attempt Upload attempt is made 1 Immediately 2 2 minutes after the 1st upl


  6. SQL Backup Pro 8.0 release notes

    GUI New window appearance GUI New product logo GUI New product switcher - accessible from the product logo top-left GUI Support for .NET4


  7. HTTPS and custom ports

    " /> <add key="ClientEndpointPort" value="14145" /> </appSettings> 2) If you want to use a custom port, set the value of ClientEndpointPor


  8. Configuring HTTPS and custom ports

    version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <appSettings> <add key="ClientEndpointUseHttps" value="false" /> <add key="ClientEndpointPort" value="14


  9. Installation

    its operations. Hardware Requirements Redgate TDM runs on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 or later. Minimal requirements for the hardwa


  10. SQL Backup Pro 7.2 release notes

    the Schedule Restore Jobs wizard. On step 2 of the Schedule Restore Jobs wizard, Create new database is always selected and populated by


  11. The BACKUP command

    } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [ ,...n ] [ WITH [ [ , ] {CHECK_PREFERRED_AG_REPLICA } ] [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSU


  12. Slow backup or restore operations

    full backups of Database 1, Database 2 and Database 3 in C:\Backups\Database 1\Full, C:\Backups\Database 2\Full and C:\Backups\Database 3


  13. Get-SqlClone

    then details of clones for all parent images will be returned. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipelin


  14. New-SqlClone

    a SqlServerInstanceResource. Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input false Accept Wildcard Chara


  15. Get-SqlClone

    then details of clones for all parent images will be returned. Aliases None Required? false Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipelin


  16. New-SqlClone

    a SqlServerInstanceResource. Aliases None Required? true Position? 2 Default Value None Accept Pipeline Input false Accept Wildcard Chara


  17. Remove-InstantCloneSnapshot

    . ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Save-InstantCloneSnapshot -DatabaseName AdvWorks2012 -SnapshotName AdvSnap1 -PutInSharedFolder -Verbose


  18. Recovering objects

    as the destination database; you can continue to step 2 to select a backup source the server you select must be licensed for use with SQL


  19. Backing up to hosted storage

    options in SQL Backup Pro, including COPYTO = <network location>, KEYSIZE = 128|256, and COMPRESSION = 1|2|3|4, can be used in conjunctio


  20. Creating backups

    SQL Backup Pro provides the Back Up wizard to guide you through the process of creating a backup. To start the Back Up wizard, click icon


  21. Remove all clones for an image

    $image $elapsed = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() "Started at {0}, removing {1} clones for image ""{2}""" -f $(get-date) , $cl


  22. Scheduling restores - specify the file locations

    backup job. All files to default locations schedulerestorewizallfilesdefault.gif If you have selected Overwrite existing database on step


  23. Remove-SqlCloneImage

    'ImageToDelete'. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneImage -Name 'ImageToDelete' | Remove-SqlClone | Wait-SqlCloneOperation This


  24. Remove-InstantCloneConnection

    -D3D24DBDFF1C. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Remove-InstantCloneConnection -Name .\sql2012 Removes the connection with Name .\sql2012.


  25. Remove-SqlCloneImage

    'ImageToDelete'. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Get-SqlCloneImage -Name 'ImageToDelete' | Remove-SqlCloneImage | Wait-SqlCloneOperation


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