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  1. Profiling an assembly in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)

    shfusion.dll . From a command prompt, run: regsvr32 /u %systemroot%\\framework\v2.0.50727\shfusion.dll Open the GAC folder b


  2. Profiling an assembly in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC)

    shfusion.dll . From a command prompt, run: regsvr32 /u %systemroot%\\framework\v2.0.50727\shfusion.dll Open the GAC folder b


  3. SQL Prompt Actions

    shortcut Ctrl + B then Ctrl + U. Insert semicolons Insert semicolons will add any missing semicolons to SQL statements in your script. To


  4. SQL Prompt Actions

    shortcut Ctrl + B then Ctrl + U. Insert semicolons Insert semicolons will add any missing semicolons to SQL statements in your script. To


  5. Migrations, U for undo (configurable


  6. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    , depending on which account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service,


  7. Rolling back

    to update changes to programmable objects such as functions and procedures. Rolling back involves: Running pre-authored undo scripts (pre


  8. Generating migrations

    sure you are following your project's naming convention (V###__<description>.sql, R__<description>.sql, or U###<description>.sql). This c


  9. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    on which account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service, enter psex


  10. Migration scripts

    for now. You can learn more about Flyway Undo Migrations on the Flyway website Undo migrat


  11. Source Control for Oracle 2.0 release notes

    (systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style string literals Tables w


  12. Handling Schema Drift

    [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'[Person].[Person]') AND [type]='U')) AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE [name]=N'IX_Person_Modifi


  13. Source Control for Oracle 2.0 release notes

    (systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style string literals Tables w


  14. Pre-requisites check script

    /bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script requires root permissions. Please rerun using sudo." exit 1 fi errors=() function report_and_


  15. Source Control for Oracle 2.0 release notes

    (systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style string literals Tables w


  16. Migration scripts

    start with a U, followed by the same number as the versioned migration script that it corresponds to, two underscores, and then a descrip


  17. Migration scripts Undo migration scripts start with a U, followed by the same number as the versioned migrat


  18. Source Control for Oracle 2.0 release notes

    (systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style string literals Tables w


  19. The Masking Plan Import from DB Form

    in Set tab. N - Do not mask. This corresponds to a "No Mask" value in the Masking Plan column of the Tables in Set tab. U - Unknown. This


  20. Source Control for Oracle 2.0 release notes

    (systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style string literals Tables w


  21. Schema Compare for Oracle 3.0 release notes

    to cope with "cast(trunc(systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style


  22. Schema Compare for Oracle 3.0 release notes

    to cope with "cast(trunc(systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style


  23. Schema Compare for Oracle 3.0 release notes

    to cope with "cast(trunc(systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style


  24. Schema Compare for Oracle 3.0 release notes

    to cope with "cast(trunc(systimestamp, 'DD') as timestamp)" Parsing of materialized view starting with newline would fail Allow U'' style


  25. Silverlight out-of-browser profiling stops with no results

    \system32\cmd.exe Set the arguments to be /K ""c:\program files (x86)\microsoft silverlight\sllauncher.exe"/emulate:"c:\YourOOBAppFolder\Y


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