Search for " ٴ̾߱ õ⸱ ¶νԻƮ ٴ̾߱ ߰ӱ Ÿ Ȳݼ2 ¶ι ī õ" returned 1190 results.

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  1. What SQL Source Control does

    SQL Source Control lets you version-control the schemas of your SQL Server databases. Why should I version-control my database schemas? V


  2. Managing connections and memory

    suggestions. To do this, go to the SQL Prompt menu and clear Enable Suggestions (or press Ctrl + Shift + P): image2016-3-16 14:24:8.png T


  3. Gradle Task - flywayMigrate

    output > gradle flywayMigrate -i Current schema version: 0 Migrating to version 1 Migrating to version 1.1 Migrating to version 1.2 Migra


  4. Gradle Task - flywayUndo

    = 'C:/myproject' jdbcProperties = [ 'someProperty' : 'someValue', 'someOtherProperty' : 'someOtherValue' ] } Sample output > gradle flywa


  5. Full list of deployment warnings

    password of 'p@ssw0rd' The target database includes a table that was recovered from a failed SQL Compare deployment. You can use recovery


  6. Error validating migration scripts

    you've made. What can I do? We need to change the state we've stored for some of the existing migration scripts in your repository. These


  7. Managing SQL Prompt behavior

    pages are reset to the SQL Prompt defaults. Remove warning about resetting formatting options - I don't think it's true for the new forma


  8. Filtering alerts

    Within: select a fixed time period from the drop-down list. Last Updated from x to y: click in each box to choose a date and time. You ca


  9. Cannot run backup or restore operations

    that you have set the -I command line parameter to the named instance. For more information, see Using the command line.


  10. Version control

    in the file, Flyway Desktop will attempt to open y configured merge tool


  11. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    is not shown when in Back in Time mode: Uncleared alerts will be shown, but any cleared alerts will not be shown. What happens when I go


  12. Issues caused by clock skew

    , and the machines being monitored, have synchronized clock settings. If not, you may experience the issues listed below. I can't log in t


  13. Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables

    and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that bel


  14. ReadyRoll 1.2 release notes

    1.2 - May 31st, 2012 Today I have the pleasure of announcing that ReadyRoll now supports SQL Server 2012! There is a slight catch, howeve


  15. Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables

    and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that bel


  16. The New Table-To-Table Synchronization Rule Form

    by which the rows should be joined - if there is more than one, press the Add button to generate another placeholder. Note the I icon loc


  17. Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables

    and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that bel


  18. Cannot run backup or restore operations

    that you have set the -I command line parameter to the named instance. For more information, see Using the command line.


  19. Data container

    of less than 1 week). How do I create data containers? The first step is creating a data image from a data image definition file. This is


  20. About Command Line Automation

    , specify this option for each schema. If not specified, all schemas that contain tables will be added to the masking set. -p, --parfile <


  21. Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables

    and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that bel


  22. Sybase ASE

    ), @customerID VARCHAR(10) BEGIN select @customerID = customerID from inserted IF exists (select 1 from Sales tbl, inserted i where


  23. Installing the server components from the command line

    boxes that would appear. No information will be returned if an error arises. Use in combination with /VERYSILENT. /I <instance> Specifies


  24. Filtering alerts

    Within: select a fixed time period from the drop-down list. Last Updated from x to y: click in each box to choose a date and time. You ca


  25. The BACKUP command

    Use the BACKUP command with the SQL Backup Pro -SQL parameter to back up one or more databases, transaction logs, or filegroups using the


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