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  1. Switches used in the command line

    /Backup1:D:\BACKUPS\WidgetStaging.bak /BackupPasswords1:P@ssw0rd /db2:WidgetProduction /BackupPasswords2:<Password1>,<Password2>,...,<Pas


  2. "Failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" when using the CLI

    nmap -p {port} --script ssl-cert {address} openssl cat /dev/null | openssl s_client -showcerts {address}:{port} 2>/dev/null | openssl x50


  3. Automated installation and updates, which can be automated with: curl -L -o SQLMon


  4. Switches used in the command line

    : sqldatacompare /Backup1:D:\BACKUPS\WidgetStaging.bak /BackupPasswords1:P@ssw0rd /db2:WidgetProduction /BackupPasswords2:<Password1>,<Pas


  5. .NET Reflector tips - Keyboard shortcuts

    .NET Reflector has a number of keyboard shortcuts. This article details most of them. Open assembly – Ctrl+O Opens a dialog which allows


  6. The call graph

    are calculated. The timing mode dropdown menu controls the way in which method timings are calculated. If you want to include blocking su


  7. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.0 release notes

    or later: Attach to process The following features require Windows Vista or later: File I/O counters SQL counters Supported Visual Studio


  8. The call graph

    are calculated. The timing mode dropdown menu controls the way in which method timings are calculated. If you want to include blocking su


  9. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.0 release notes

    or later: Attach to process The following features require Windows Vista or later: File I/O counters SQL counters Supported Visual Studio


  10. New-SqlCloneImage

    the Buffer Count to be passed to the SQL Server performing the restore when creating an image from backup. This sets the total number of


  11. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup Pro compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup Pro writes t


  12. The call graph

    are calculated. The timing mode dropdown menu controls the way in which method timings are calculated. If you want to include blocking su


  13. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.0 release notes

    or later: Attach to process The following features require Windows Vista or later: File I/O counters SQL counters Supported Visual Studio


  14. Deployment warnings

    x on table y must be added but has no default and does not allow NULL values If the table contains data, the deployment script will not w


  15. Technical overview of SQL Virtual Restore

    and write requests via the Windows I/O Manager to access individual pages in the data files and records in the transaction log file: hype


  16. Deployment warnings

    x on table y must be added but has no default and does not allow NULL values If the table contains data, the deployment script will not w


  17. .NET Reflector tips - Keyboard shortcuts

    .NET Reflector has a number of keyboard shortcuts. This article details most of them. Open assembly – Ctrl+O Opens a dialog which allows


  18. Deployment warnings

    x on table y must be added but has no default and does not allow NULL values If the table contains data, the deployment script will not w


  19. .NET Reflector tips - Keyboard shortcuts

    .NET Reflector has a number of keyboard shortcuts. This article details most of them. Open assembly – Ctrl+O Opens a dialog which allows


  20. Global Dashboard

    activity The lowest band of the tile shows a snapshot of waits, CPU consumption and disk I/O (reads and writes) in the last 15 minutes. M


  21. Switches used in the command line

    \WidgetStaging.bak /BackupPasswords1:P@ssw0rd /db2:WidgetProduction /BackupPasswords2:<password1>,<password2>,...,<password1N> Alias: /bps


  22. Switches used in the command line

    /BackupPasswords1:P@ssw0rd /db2:WidgetProduction /BackupPasswords2:<password1>,<password2>,...,<password1N> Alias: /bpsw2 Specifies the p


  23. Encoding strings

    string encoding To encode strings, in the Project Settings window, go to Strings Encoding or click the icon in the toolbar. sa_stringsenc


  24. Encoding strings

    string encoding To encode strings, in the Project Settings window, go to Strings Encoding or click the icon in the toolbar. sa_stringsenc


  25. Can I make a Substitution rule faster?

    understanding of the table structure and save the masking set away. So, can I make it faster? There are a number of factors which affect


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