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  1. LCK_M_RIn_S

    the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See: Managing Long-Runni


  2. LCK_M_RIn_U

    and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See:


  3. LCK_M_RIn_X

    or modified by other transactions. Key-range locks protect the rows included in a record set, and prevent phantom reads, insertions and d


  4. LCK_M_RS_S

    and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See:


  5. LCK_M_RS_U

    , insertions and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter


  6. LCK_M_RX_S

    when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See: Managing Long-


  7. LCK_M_RX_U

    and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See:


  8. LCK_M_RX_X

    the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See: Managing Long-Runni


  9. Planning for SQL Monitor

    ) and it communicates with database instances using their normal connection protocols (e.g. with the SQL Server service using T-SQL via TD


  10. Restoring backups - destination database

    WITH REPLACE in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation


  11. About the installed scripts

    with the ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE or ALTER INDEX REBUILD T-SQL statements. There are many factors that you should consider carefully before


  12. Restoring backups - destination database

    WITH REPLACE in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation


  13. Example V2 migration scripts

    ) = 'Description' ) BEGIN PRINT 'Column [Description] couldn''t be altered because it is being referenced.'; RETURN --None of the statemen


  14. SQL Source Control 4.0 release notes

    2016 CTP2) Filters now support the standard T-SQL LIKE syntax for wildcard characters (eg %, _, [abc], and [^abc] - for more information,


  15. SQL Clone 2 release notes

    includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: Features Added PowerShell support for running T-SQL scripts on clone creation - see ou


  16. Restoring backups - destination database

    WITH REPLACE in a T-SQL RESTORE statement. Refer to your SQL Server documentation


  17. About the installed scripts

    with the ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE or ALTER INDEX REBUILD T-SQL statements. There are many factors that you should consider carefully before


  18. SQL Prompt 9.0 release notes

    feature that provides fast and comprehensive static code analysis of T-Sql code and allows users to: Discover 60+ code issues


  19. Setting up object locking

    , go to the object locking tab. If you don''t have SQL Source Control, talk to the user who locked it.' + @NewLine + @NewLine + 'For more


  20. Example V2 migration scripts

    ) AND referenced_major_id = OBJECT_ID('widgets') AND COL_NAME( referenced_major_id, referenced_minor_id) = 'Description' ) BEGIN PRINT 'C


  21. New-SqlCloneImage

    Input false Accept Wildcard Characters false -SqlScript <System.String[]> DEPRECATED (use Modifications): Specifies the body of T-SQL scr


  22. Migrations

    (PL/SQL, T-SQL, ...) typically used to define stored procedures, packages, ... Additionally in the case of Oracle, Flyway also supports S


  23. How SQL Monitor works

    computers, WMI for Windows and SSH for Linux, and it interrogates the SQL Server service conventionally using T-SQL via TDS. The WMI prot


  24. Offline Schema Model

    . image2018-6-13_12-58-28.png The Schema-Model sub-folder hierarchy contains an offline copy of your database schema in T-SQL format that


  25. SQL Source Control 3.8 Frequent Updates release notes

    no longer cause parsing errors Pressing N on the Setup tab no longer opens a new query window 3.8.13 - May 27th 2015 Features Filters now


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