Compliance templates

The "Compliance Templates" tab allows you to manage and customize your compliance templates, enabling or disabling them as needed. You can also view the matching template percentage after enabling it in other tabs for quick compliance assessments. Regularly updating templates helps maintain compliance and reduce non-compliance risk. This tool streamlines compliance management and promotes a strong compliance culture.

Compliance templates tab

Add template

To add a new template, choose between a server or database template. Templates serve as blueprints for creating new servers or databases quickly, ensuring consistency and standardization. The example below shows a template's settings and configurations. Once created, use the template to generate new instances with ease. Templates streamline infrastructure management and ensure correct and secure configurations.

Add new server template

Alternatively, you also have the option to create a template based on an existing server or database. This can be useful if you already have a server or database that is configured to your specifications and want to use it as a model for creating new ones. To do this, you would first select the option to create a template from an existing server or database. Then, you would choose the specific server or database that you want to use as the basis for your template. The new template will include all of the settings, configurations, and data from the original server or database, allowing you to quickly and easily create new instances that are identical to the original. This can save time and effort, as you won't have to manually configure each new server or database from scratch. Instead, you can simply use the template to create new instances that are already configured and ready to use.

Add new database template (from existing database)

Manage template

Using the "Edit" button you can make changes to your existing templates.

You can Edit an existing template, press the "Save" button when you are done:

Edit server templateEdit database template

And you can Delete an existing template using the "Delete" button:

Delete template

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