Redgate Monitor 14

Configuration compliance

This page allows DBAs to compare their current database and server configurations with recognized security benchmarks, enabling the creation of templates for compliance checks. The tool identifies any deviations, allowing organizations to adjust their settings accordingly.

Configuration compliance is only available for SQL Server (Azure, Amazon RDS, cluster).

Servers tab:

This tab provides crucial compatibility information for each of your servers, including their current status and compatibility percentage with selected templates. The tab features an interactive table with the following details for each server:

  • Server: A clear identifier for the server
  • Group: The group the server is associated with
  • Tags: A list of current server tags
  • Status: The server's current status
  • Template: Compatibility percentage for each template

Servers tab

For the purpose of clarity and ease of access, every record in this table is interactive. By clicking on a specific server, you will be redirected to a more detailed page that provides comprehensive information about that server's compliance properties

Server compliance properties

Databases tab:

This tab provides crucial compatibility information for each of your Databases, including their current status and compatibility percentage with selected templates. The tab features an interactive table with the following details for each database:

  • Database: A clear identifier for the database
  • Server: A clear identifier for the containing server
  • Group: The group the server is associated with
  • Tags: A list of containing server tags
  • Status: The database's current status
  • Template: Compatibility percentage for each template

Databases tab

For the purpose of clarity and ease of access, every record in this table is interactive. By clicking on a specific database, you will be redirected to a more detailed page that provides comprehensive information about that database's compliance properties.

Database compliance properties

Compliance templates tab

Helps manage and customize compliance templates, allowing you to enable or disable them. You can view the matching template percentage in other tabs for quick compliance checks. Regularly updating templates ensures ongoing compliance and reduces non-compliance risk. This tool enhances compliance management and fosters a strong compliance culture.

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