Redgate Monitor 14

Redgate Monitor 14.0 Release Notes

When should I upgrade?

  • We aim to release a build every week that includes the latest incremental features and bug fixes. These builds are identified by a three-part version number (e.g. v14.1.2). See below for details of improvements and fixes for each release.
  • If you want to wait until all aspects of a feature have been fully completed it’s best to use a minor version release, identified by a two-part version number (e.g. v14.3).
  • Major releases (e.g. v14) combine multiple feature releases and undergo additional QA. Bug fixes are prioritised following a major release.

Version 14.0.10 - July 2, 2024


  • The Current Activity feature now has preview support for PostgreSQL instances


  • Speculative fix for an issue where Disk usage export was failing.

  • Fixed a bug in the Update-Principal cmdlet in the PowerShell API. This bug was first present in version 13.0.46.


  • Table columns in the current activity view can now be sorted in both ascending and descending directions.

Version 14.0.9 - June 25, 2024


  • PostgreSQL instances with IAM authentication can now also be added via the PowerShell API.


  • Comparison percentages for alert counts by type on alert summary report tiles now calculated correctly for clusters.
  • Fixed an issue preventing clearing stagnant alerts in the global dashboard from working as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where a URI having more than 255 characters would crash the Redgate Monitor Web Application
  • Fixed an issue preventing users from assigning access rights to a group with the character ] in its name.
  • Sampling permissions will no longer crash the Base Monitor when there are circular Active Directory memberships.
  • Local Active Directory users are now shown on Security permissions page server details tab.


  • In the "Monitored servers" view, selecting "All host machines" now also selects RDS hosts

Version 14.0.8 - June 14, 2024

Security fixes

  • CVE-2024-35255 Updated the Azure.Identity package to 1.11.4 and the Microsoft.Identity.Client package to 4.61.3 to address a reported vulnerability. The vulnerability has a CVSS base score of 5.5 (Medium), and requires local access to a machine where the Redgate Monitor Website or Base Monitor is installed to be exploited. See for more details.


  • Speculative fix for an uncommon deadlock that can occur when sampling stored procedure stats.
  • Sampling permissions will no longer crash the Base Monitor when there are circular Active Directory memberships.
  • Fixed an issue where the Processor (CPU) utilization alert details page would sometimes incorrectly claim the data had been purged.
  • Fixed an issue where some access control checks were incorrectly blocking access to resources for some authorized users.

Version 14.0.7 - June 11, 2024


  • Added an alert for Network Utilization on Windows and Linux machines. Disabled by default.


  • Linux machine processes with high memory usage are now displayed even when their CPU usage is insignificant.

Version 14.0.6 - June 5, 2024


  • Usability improvements to the index sampling configuration page including notifying the user of the success or failure of monitoring status updates.
  • Added "Next Run Date" column to the exported Excel spreadsheet for SQL Agent jobs.
  • Improved the sampling of processor activity for Linux hosts by sampling /proc/stat.
  • Added "Last request start" and "Last request end" columns to the SQL Processes table.
  • Improved performance on Security Permissions Server and Database tabs.


  • Comparison of encryption state in database configuration templates are now valid.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a deadlocks report would fail unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue where memory usage was incorrectly calculated for top processes on Linux hosts.

Version 14.0.5 - May 28, 2024


  • Amazon RDS and Aurora PostgreSQL instances now support database login via IAM credentials
  • AWS based instances that support enhanced monitoring can now authenticate via an IAM role in addition to IAM user credentials

Version 14.0.4 - May 21, 2024


  • Significant PostgreSQL query plan changes are now visible in the top queries history view.


  • Monitoring of SQL Server index usage can now be enabled or disabled on a per-instance basis. If you have previously enabled this feature via the Indexes feature flag, please examine the Index usage settings configuration page after upgrading to ensure that the settings are suitable for your installation.

Version 14.0.3 - May 14, 2024

Security fixes


  • Replica Not Healthy alerts are now available for PostgreSQL


  • Linux Machine logical disks mount points now update correctly when changed.
  • Annotations showed correctly regardless of case-sensitivity of the instance/database name
  • Fixed an issue where newer/older alert navigation links are greyed out.
  • View actual plan button for Azure SQL Databases now appears correctly if the database has LAST_QUERY_PLAN_STATS option enabled.


  • Rename the redundant folder of "SQL Monitor" from the ProgramData folder left after upgrade from v. 13 to avoid future confusion.

Version 14.0.2 - May 7, 2024


  • Disk usage export should handle exceptions in individual base monitors and show them in a separate sheet.
  • Monitor Security auditing permissions page no longer fails to load when there are more than one custom SQL server roles.

Version 14.0.1 - April 30, 2024


  • Metrics added to the analysis page in the same unit will now show on the same scale. This behavior can be disabled by checking "Independently scale metrics using the same unit".


  • Fixed an issue applying edit credentials to SQL Server instances when use Base Monitor service account was checked.
  • Viewing all configuration options on server overview pages no longer fails to load.
  • Fixed broken documentation links in the PowerShell module.

API changes

  • The PowerShell API now supports adding Azure SQL Databases and Azure SQL Managed Instances with Microsoft Entra ID Managed Identities.

Version 14.0.0 - April 18, 2024

Major changes

  • SQL Monitor has been rebranded to Redgate Monitor. There are a number of breaking changes which means some manual changes may be needed when upgrading. We strongly recommend that you read the migration guide before upgrading. Redgate is committed to making the upgrade process as seamless as reasonably possible.
  • Introducing Redgate Monitor Enterprise edition, a new product edition giving access to additional functionalities: Security - Permissions, Security - Configuration compliance and a REST API. See our webinar for more details.
  • Past and current user permissions for SQL Server servers and databases are now visible in a new tab. Available only in the Enterprise edition.
  • Configuration of monitored SQL Server servers and databases can be checked against custom templates. Available only in the Enterprise edition.
  • Redgate Monitor can be queried directly using Monitor's REST API. Available only in the Enterprise edition.

Security fixes

  • CVE-2024-32036 Updated the SixLabors.ImageSharp package to 3.1.4 to address a reported vulnerability. The vulnerability has a CVSS base score of 7.1 (High), but Redgate Monitor's use of this library was not enabled. See for more details.


  • Improved "Spill Occurred" recommendation text and logic behind showing it.


  • Fixed an issue where the configuration page for an alert would not load when accessed via the server overview page.
  • Fixed issue of some values appearing as '0KB' in Spill Occurred recommendation.
  • Fixed an issue where a recurring alert suppression window that was created using the PowerShell module could not be edited in the UI.

API changes

  • There are several breaking changes to the PowerShell API. Please consult the migration guide for more details.

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