Redgate Clone

Enable Oracle Support

To quickly and reliably host database instances required for data containers Redgate Clone uses Docker images. The Docker image for Oracle data containers needs to be built locally and uploaded to the built-in container registry.

The following steps will guide you through building the Oracle Docker image and pushing it to the in-the-cluster container registry.



  • Command line with access to the Redgate Clone cluster Kubernetes context.
    1. This can be the VM that hosts Redgate Clone, or
    2. (Recommended) Any other machine which can execute kubectl commands (e.g. You can run kubectl get namespace to see if you get the output containing redgate-clone-app namespace)
  • To allow for pods to pull an image from an internal docker registry, the networking rules must allow access to port 9632. You should only allow that port when the source is an IP address of a Kubernetes node.  


The instructions below uses 19.3.0 standard edition (non-pluggable) as an example, however it should apply to all Oracle versions.

Important notes

  • At the moment we are only supporting non-pluggable (non-cdb) Oracle variant.
  • You will have to provide the installation binaries of Oracle Database (only for the edition you are going to install)
  • Make sure you use the Linux x86-64 binary. DO NOT rename it.
  • DO NOT uncompress the binaries.

Download Binaries

  1. Open the Oracle Network Technology page.
  2. Choose the version you want to download, and download the Linux x86-64 version of it. We will be downloading 19.3 - Enterprise Edition. These binaries work for standard or enterprise versions. Edit the ORACLE_EDITION in the yaml below.
  3. You will be asked to agree to their license agreement and sign in.

    Note: If you don't have an account, Sign Up for it, and repeat these steps.

  4. Move the downloaded file to the Redgate Clone file-share, in a directory called oracle-binaries .
    Note: the file-share is configured in the Backup Storage settings in the Admin Console.

Edit Kubernetes Job YAML file

Create a file on your local machine called deploy-oracle.yaml. Copy the YAML below into it. This defines a Kubernetes job that we will run later.


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: deploy-oracle
  namespace: redgate-clone-data
  backoffLimit: 0
  ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 86400
        app: docker
      nodeSelector: "true"
      restartPolicy: Never
        - name: create-lockfile
          image: busybox
          command: ['sh', '-c', 'touch /liveness/']
            - name: liveness
              mountPath: /liveness
        - name: docker-daemon
          image: docker:20-dind
            privileged: true
            - name: daemon-storage
              mountPath: /var/lib/docker
            - name: certs
              mountPath: /certs
            - name: liveness
              mountPath: /liveness
          - name: DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR
            value: /certs
                - stat 
                - /liveness/
              memory: 4Gi
              cpu: 500m
        - name: builder
          imagePullPolicy: Always
          workingDir: /oracle
          command: ["/bin/bash"]
          args:  ["-c", "/oracle/"]
          - name: DOCKER_HOST
            value: tcp://localhost:2376
          - name: DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR
            value: /certs
          - name: DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY
            value: "1"
          - name: DOCKER_CERT_PATH
            value: /certs/client
          - name: ORACLE_EDITION
            value: se
            value: ./oracle-binaries
            - name: certs
              mountPath: /certs
            - name: docker-secret
              mountPath: /dockersecret
            - name: fileshare
              mountPath: /fileshare
            - name: liveness
              mountPath: /liveness
              memory: 4Gi
              cpu: 500m
        - name: cloning-capability-app-registry
      - name: daemon-storage
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: certs
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: liveness
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: fileshare
          claimName: fileshare-smb-share
      - name: docker-secret
          secretName: docker-secret

To select the edition of Oracle you would like to be used, open the file and edit the ORACLE_EDITION  environment variable.

Acceptable values are:

seStandard Edition
eeEnterprise Edition
xeCommunity Edition (only available for Oracle versions 11, 18 and 21)

Deploy Kubernetes Job

The Kubernetes YAML file will create a job in the Redgate Clone cluster called deploy-oracle  in the redgate-clone-data  namespace.

This will install Oracle support by using the Oracle binaries you downloaded earlier to build an Oracle Docker image and push it to the cluster's internal container registry.

Use kubectl  to deploy the YAML file.

kubectl apply -f ./deploy-oracle.yaml

The job should take around 30 minutes to complete. To check that the job completes successfully, you can monitor the deploy-oracle job. This can be done in various ways, such as via k9s or via kubectl.

The example below shows how to use kubectl  to wait for the job to complete and delete it if it succeeds:

kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/deploy-oracle --timeout=1h --namespace redgate-clone-data && \
kubectl delete job/deploy-oracle -n redgate-clone-data

That's it! At this stage you should have an available Oracle image in the built-in container registry.

As the next step, we do recommend to go and try creating an empty data image and empty data container to verify the installation (see Data Image Definition Examples on how to create valid yaml file)

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