Redgate Clone

Grafana: Dashboards

Redgate Clone ships with Grafana and several pre-defined dashboards to help you monitor the hardware usage (i.e. CPU, Memory, Disks)


Access Grafana Window

For embedded clusters https://<web-api-endpoint>:8132/grafana

For AKS clusters https://<web-api-endpoint>/grafana

You'll need to provide login details, that will be output during Installation steps. If you forget them, please run below commands:

# Username
kubectl get secrets/grafana-admin-secret --namespace monitoring -o=go-template='{{index .data "user"}}' | base64 -d
# Password
kubectl get secrets/grafana-admin-secret --namespace monitoring -o=go-template='{{index .data "password"}}' | base64 -d

Locate the dashboards

At present, we ship a few pre-defined Grafana dashboards out-of-the box and provide general information for Redgate Clone metrics. You can find them by:

  1. Selecting Dashboards on the left hand side panel
  2. Clicking on Browse

This should bring a screen similar to the one below. Select any of them to display the dashboard.

Custom dashboards

The dashboards are filled with metrics from Prometheus.  You can see the metrics by selecting Explore and choosing the prometheus datasource. 

Custom dashboards can be created in grafana from the UI by following this guide: Grafana custom dashboards from the UI.

These won't be saved, but can be exported in json format.  The exported file can be inserted into a kubernetes config map. If you know how to create a config map on the cluster, then the dashboard can be saved there.

Any config map with the label grafana_dashbaord = 1 and in the monitoring namespace, is automatically loaded. 

Below is an example of the definition of a configmap for a dashboard.

# This command can be used to generate the config map
kubectl create configmap my-dashboard-k8s-pod-count --from-file=exported-k8s-pod-count.json

Available Dashboards

Dashboard NameWhat
Cluster Storage StateMonitor attached disk usage
Kubernetes / Compute Resources / ClusterMonitor CPU / RAM & Network bandwith

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