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SQL Lighthouse 1.1 release notes

1.1.14 - February 18th, 2015


You can now add a comment when you acknowledge changes to a database's schema.


  • Upgraded the SQL Compare engine to version 11.1.4, which has a whole series of bug fixes.
  • Restarting SQL Lighthouse no longer resends email notifications.

1.1.13 - February 11th, 2015


SQL Lighthouse now recognizes when databases or objects have been rolled back. Version rollbacks are shown as updates on the dashboard, so you can acknowledge an rollback. This means that rollbacks no longer put databases in the acknowledged (green) status.


The differences page doesn't update if a database drifts again while you're reviewing the changes. This means you can be sure about which changes are in the schema version you acknowledge. 

1.1.12 - February 4th, 2015

One final release to do with email: you can now choose to get emails whenever a database changes schema. You can also stick with the old behavior, and just get emails when databases changes schema from the acknowledged (green) status.

Next we're starting work on the History feature, so watch this space!

1.1.11 - January 28th, 2015

Continuing on last week's email theme, this week we've completed another UserVoice request, adding a test button to the email config page. This means you can check that the email settings you entered are correct.

1.1.10 - January 21st, 2015


This release is all about email:

  • We've made big improvements to email notifications. They now tell you:
    • whether your database updated or drifted
    • which project, environment, and server it's on
    • how many objects were changed
    • who changed them
    They also look much better now they're not in plain text.
  • You can now send email notifications to more than one person. Just enter a list of email addresses, with a semicolons between each email. 

We've completed these two UserVoice requests with this release. Thanks to everyone who voted for these features, and please keep voting to let us know what you want from SQL Lighthouse.

1.1.9 - January 14th, 2015


  • Better messaging when a database or server is unavailable
  • Better messaging when SQL Lighthouse is checking a database's schema


The DDL trigger now works with more database connection ANSI settings, including Microsoft Dynamics.

1.1.8 - January 7th, 2015


Upgraded the SQL Compare engine that runs behind SQL Lighthouse, improving SQL Server 2014 support.

1.1.7 - December 17th, 2014


  • You can now install the DDL trigger (and other SQL Lighthouse objects) on your server from the SQL Lighthouse UI.
    To do this, the account you entered in the server connection must have sysadmin permissions.
  • The 'friendly name' for servers has been removed. Servers are now just referred to by their address.

1.1.6 - December 3rd, 2014

The SQL Lighthouse team is in Paris today, celebrating this year's successes, so we're pleased to present this release with a bit of added French style!


Email notifications can now be sent with SSL (STARTTLS) and authentication, completing this UserVoice request
Thanks to all our users who voted for this feature!

A tricolore of fixes

Links in email notifications now work correctly. If you've seen this issue, to fix it, you need to open the Email configuration page and click Save.

Databases with same name on different servers now have the correct order. 

A very occasional issue preventing services starting has been fixed.

1.1.5 - November 27th, 2014

This release introduces support for Windows authentication. If you want to use Windows authentication, you'll need to either change the SQL Lighthouse user account, or add permissions for the SQL Lighthouse user account in SQL Server. 

If you have any trouble setting up Windows authentication, email the team and we can give you a hand.


  • Windows authentication can be used to connect to SQL Server, completing this UserVoice request
    Thanks to all our users who voted for this feature!
  • Improved protection for email credentials


  • SmartAssembly exception reports are now rate-limited
  • Error message reporting for very long passwords has been improved

1.1.4 - November 20th, 2014


Improved protection for database credentials


  • Differences page no longer incorrectly shows 'no changes available' when reviewing large changes
  • Config file customizations are preserved between upgrades
  • Additional logging has been added, to help diagnose problems detecting schema changes

1.1.3 - November 12th, 2014

In this release, we’ve improved support for IE10, Safari, and mobile browsers.

1.1.2 - November 7th, 2014

This release fixes a bug with the update notification system.

1.1.1 - November 5th, 2014

When you install this release, SQL Lighthouse may take a few minutes longer to load than usual. This is because this release upgrades the indexes, which can take a little while.


  • A new 404 page
  • Performance improvements


  • Databases are no longer case sensitive
    This means that if you add a database, and its name in SQL Lighthouse has different casing to its name in SQL Server,  SQL Lighthouse will now pick up changes in that database.
    This bug fix has caused the known issue below.
  • When users aren't logged in automatically by their browser, help is now displayed behind the Authentication Required pop-up
    This makes it clearer that you need to use your Windows user name and password. 

Known issue

If you have databases on the same server with the same name in a different case (eg WidgetDev and widgetdev), SQL Lighthouse can't tell the difference between the databases.
This means it may show you changes for the wrong database, or not show changes that you know have happened on one of the databases.

1.1.0 - October 22nd, 2014

We're pleased to present the beta release of SQL Lighthouse.


  • Get email alerts when your databases drift from the schema they're supposed to be on
  • See all your databases, and what schemas they're on, on the web dashboard
  • See details and history of schema changes, including what changed, who made changes, and what tool they used
  • Download the SQL that was used to make changes
  • Track changes through environments - once you've labelled a database schema, you can see when it appears in other databases


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