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Can't run queries on servers monitored by DLM Dashboard


Running queries on servers monitored by DLM Dashboard (not necessarily the databases it's monitoring) fail with an error like this one:

Msg 15404, Level 16, State 19, Procedure RG_SQLLighthouse_DDLTrigger, Line 0

Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user '<domain>\<username>', error code 0x54b.


Old versions of the DLM Dashboard DDL trigger executes as the user which created it. When you try and execute a DDL statement offline, SQL Server will try and verify your account, be unable to, and then throw errors like the one above.


A newer version of the DDL trigger (released in version 1.4.4) has a fix to this problem. To get the new trigger:

  1. Delete the DDL trigger RG_SQLLighthouse_DDLTrigger
  2. Run this SQL script to install the new version of the DDL trigger.


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