SmartAssembly 8

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Working with projects

Whenever you use SmartAssembly with a new assembly, you first need to set up a project.

A project contains all the settings that you specify for that assembly. You can:

Creating a new project

To choose the software to protect:

  1. Launch SmartAssembly then, on the opening screen, click New Project. You can also start a new project using the menu bar on the left at any time.
  2. Browse to the location of the main assembly that you want to use with SmartAssembly.

  3. Specify the destination for the modified assembly. This is where SmartAssembly will save the program after processing. We recommend that you use the original file name and store the assembly in a different folder to the original.
  4. The main window is displayed, showing the Project Settings.

Opening an existing project

If you have any recent existing projects, they are shown on the opening window when you start SmartAssembly.

To open an existing project that is not shown in the list, click Browse to browse to an existing project.

Saving a project

To save a project, either click Save at the bottom of the project settings window, or, on the menu bar, click Save project.

Project compatibility

Project files originally created in SmartAssembly 4 have the extension .{sa}proj. Project files created in SmartAssembly 5 and newer have the extension .saproj.

You can open .{sa}proj files in SmartAssembly 4 or newer.

You can open .saproj files only in SmartAssembly 5 or newer.

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