SQL Backup 10

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SQL Server Agent Backup Options

These options are stored in the registry on the machine that is running the SQL Instance


Open Registry Editor and locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\(local) or <instance name>


NameTypeValuesDescriptionRestart SQL Backup Agent
ConnectionEncryptDWORD0/1Connect by encrypting the connection to SQL ServerNo
ConnectionTrustServerCertificateDWORD0/1Connect by trusting the Server CertificateNo
AllowSQLBrowsing DWORD0/1To enable folder and file browsing by SQL Authenticated usersNo



usernamesList of allowed users (in the form domain\username)No
BrowsingDomainREG_SZAD Name

The Active Directory name that is used to browse for the AD Groups

(This is not required but could help in resolution of AD)




AD GroupsA list of Active Directory Groups that contain users (Can be used instead of BrowsingUserListNo
AlwaysBufferFileDWORD0/1Force Buffered-Reads & Writes for Backup and RestoringNo
COPYTO:CopyIntervalInMinutesDWORD The initial interval between upload attempts (2 minutes by default). 
COPYTO:MaxCopyIntervalCountDWORD The number of upload attempts for which the interval to the next upload attempt is increased (5 by default). 
COPYTO:ExpiryIntervalInMinutesDWORD The maximum time to continue with upload attempts (1440 minutes by default). 
COPYTO:ThreadCountDWORD The number of files that can be uploaded simultaneously (5 by default). Maximum value is 10. 
LOGFILESEARCHDWORD0/1Set to 1 to enable logging of files searching.No
SetEOFDWORD0/1Improve speed by pre-allocating the backup file on a NetApp SMB deviceNo


Open Registry Editor and locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\(local)

(These settings are used by all instances to communicate with the AWS/S3)

NameTypeValuesDescriptionRestart SQL Backup Agent
HostedStorageS3ProxyUserNameREG_SZ0/1username to be used by proxyNo
HostedStorageS3ProxyPasswordREG_SZ0/1password to be used by proxyNo
HostedStorageS3ProxyDomain REG_SZ0/1Domain to be used by proxyNo


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