SQL Compare 10.7 release notes
Published 10 April 2014
April 23rd, 2014 Download
New features
- Supports connecting to SQL Server 2014 databases
- Improvements to the options API for Comparison SDK. This includes breaking changes which will require you to update your code to support the new SDK version – see Breaking changes in SQL Comparison SDK 10.5 for further details.
- SC-6830: SQL Compare no longer raises an error when the THROW syntax does not have an argument
- SC-6032: Ignore system named contraints now correctly ignores default system named constraints
- SC-5850: SQL Compare no longer causes a Utils.EncloseInSquareBrackets.NullReferenceException error
- SC-6885: SQL Compare no longer throws a InvalidCastException when attempting to register a scripts folder containing filetables
- SC-6770: Fixed an issue where the Deployment wizard could skip the ‘Reviewing dependencies’ step
- SC-6664: SQL Compare no longer causes an error on the POISON_MESSAGE_HANDLING keyword in queues
- SC-6613: SQL Compare no longer causes an error on the ‘MERGE’ keyword when target is table object
- SC-6942: SQL Compare no longer demands .NET 3.5 on Windows 8 machines
- SC-2907: Fixed an issue where SQL Compare might not update a column's data type if the column is a foreign key
- SC-6860: The SQL Source Control history dialog no longer displays rogue string – this fix requires a future version of SQL Source Control (v3.5.7.450 and above)
- SC-6669: Fixed an issue which was blocking registration of a database when the user has limited rights
- SC-6147: Clustered index changes are now handled correctly when working with a SQL Azure database as a target.
- SC-2656: Users created from windows logins are now scripted properly
- SC-6564: Script no longer GRANTS permissions to the wrong columns after a column is dropped
- SC-6894: Syntax highlighting has been updated for ROWS, FIRST and ONLY keywords
- When selecting a source control system as the data source the revision number is no longer changed to ‘Head’ when a different source control repository is selected
- SC-6317, SC-6402 - Drop and Create instead of Alter option now works correctly with SOC data sources
- SC-6381 - NullReferenceException caused by rare dependency situations fixed
- SC-5365 - NullReferenceException caused by some queue differences fixed
- SC-6575, SC-6291 - Ignoring system-named constraints no longer causes us to drop system-named FKs on table rebuild
- SC-2907 - Foreign key migrations where only the target table is selected no longer fail when target data type has changed
- SC-6439 - temporary inline indexes during table rebuilds now no longer have a name collision with the final inline index
- SC-6493 - trigger dependency on new column of existing table now respected
- SC-5951 - LOCK_ESCALATION setting now compared and deployed
- SC-5615 - some causes of this exception involving duplication of triggers in script folders have been fixed
- SC-6781 - overflow on reading extremely large identity values from script folders fixed
- SC-6468, SC-6471, SC-6475, SC-6316, SC-5607, SC-6394, SC-6401, SC-5379, SC-5718, SC-5812, SC-5849, SC-5914, SC-5916, SC-6137, SC-6153, SC-5527 - progress dialog made more robust against a range of conditions
- SC-6301, SC-6764, SC-6234, SC-5342, SC-5974, SC-5770, SC-5977, SC-5966, SC-6230, SC-6093 - documentation inconsistencies and omissions fixed, particularly around worked examples and filter syntax
- SC-4640 - handling of route lifetimes improved
- SC-6566 - TFS connection issue when using migration scripts fixed
- SC-6562 - A situation where encrypted objects weren't decrypted is now fixed
- SC-6055 - datetimeoffset(0) now consistently displayed when read from script folders
- SOC-3873 - money type no longer overflows on very large numbers when reading from script folders
- SC-6056 - fixed occasional exception in picking which migration scripts to enable by default
- SC-6073 - script folder deployment issue when changing from inline to explicit check constraint fixed
- SC-6072 - fixed failure to load projects with custom script folder layout options
- SC-6085 - fixed a crash on getting latest changes with SOC with the sysname datatype in a table
- SC-5599 - rare Cryptographic Exception when loading some v8 or earlier projects fixed
- SC-6099 / SC-5184 - fixed a problem with user deployment with mapped schemas
- SC-6019 - fixed a crash in the deployment wizard when script generation fails
- SC-5215 - fixed a crash where case sensitivity got unset in the middle of a snapshot comparison
- SC-6066 - /include:Identical command line option now no longer incorrectly applies filter rules
- SC-6112 - warning to replace deprecated XML file from SOC now displays file name correctly
- SC-5677 - /assertidentical and /report command line options can now be used together
- Recently used repositories now show their migrations folder (if they have one, in a tooltip (to make it clear what the difference is between repositories with the same main path but different migration folders)
- Priority of object selections from filters vs individual selections when using project on the command line should now be identical to UI behaviour (previously some filters took priority incorrectly)
- Foreign key dependencies on reference primary keys now enforced for script folders
- Including static data in a SQL Compare deployment script no longer also includes the SQL Data Compare comment header
Known issues
- Other new features in SQL Server 2014 (including In-Memory Tables) are not currently supported.
- SC-6986: A "Data Compression enum value not recognised" error can occur when viewing a table with a clustered columnstore index
SQL Compare 10.5 and 10.6 were internal and beta builds that were not publicly released.