SQL Compare 15

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Deploying to Microsoft Azure SQL databases

With SQL Compare, you can compare and deploy Microsoft Azure SQL databases.

Object types not supported

Microsoft Azure SQL databases don't support the following object types:

Application Roles


Asymmetric Keys




Event Notifications

Full Text Catalogs

Message Types

Partition Functions

Partition Schemes


Application Roles




Service Bindings

Extended Stored Procedures

Numbered Stored Procedures

Symmetric Keys

Remote Synonyms

System Tables

User-Defined Types

XML Schema Collections

If you try to deploy an unsupported object to a Microsoft Azure SQL database, the deployment script will fail.

T-SQL and SQL Server feature support

Microsoft Azure SQL databases have further limitations that can cause SQL Compare deployments to fail. For example, Microsoft Azure SQL databases don't support encryption, data compression, or SQL Server replication.

For full details of these limitations, refer to your Microsoft documentation on Resolving Transact-SQL differences during migration to Azure SQL Database.

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