Schema Compare for Oracle

Help for older versions available.

These pages cover Schema Compare for Oracle, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Using the Oracle SQL Developer extension

You can launch Schema Compare for Oracle directly from Oracle SQL Developer using the Schema Compare for Oracle extension.

To install the extension:

  1. In Oracle SQL Developer, on the Help menu, click Check for Updates.
  2. On the Welcome page of the Check for Updates wizard, click Next.
  3. On the Source page of the wizard, make sure the Third Party SQL Developer Extensions check box is selected, and click Next.
  4. Select the Schema Compare for Oracle check box, and click Finish. The Schema Compare for Oracle extension is installed. 

    You must restart Oracle SQL Developer to use the extension.

To launch Schema Compare for Oracle using the extension:

  1. On the Oracle SQL Developer menu bar, click  
  2. If Schema Compare for Oracle is already installed on your computer, select Use an existing installation of product, browse to the location where you installed Schema Compare for Oracle, and select RedGate.Oracle.Compare.UI.exe.If you have not installed Schema Compare for Oracle, select Install Schema Compare for Oracle.
  3. Click OK. If you selected to install Schema Compare for Oracle, the installer runs. Follow the instructions to install Schema Compare for Oracle on your computer.
  4. Restart Oracle SQL Developer.
  5. On the Oracle SQL Developer menu bar, click  

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